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T5 markings on my puppies?

T5 markings on my puppies?
Posted 2024-12-01 09:54:01
Hi guys! My female just gave birth, and when I was checking the puppies a three of them had a T5 marking? Looking it up, the wiki said that T5s are unreleased/placeholder tiers, so I'm confused.

The puppies in question:


Posted 2024-12-01 09:56:30
T5 marks are for marks that are applied while the event is still active. They are reverted to T3 after the event ends. There has been a bug with a specific marking from the Halloween event, but these marks on your pups will probably change to T3 soon enough :)


Posted 2024-12-01 09:57:46
Thank you so much! I was really confused.

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