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Trying to replace my stinky NBWs

Trying to replace my stinky NBWs
Posted 2020-11-10 08:21:39

Uh, for anyone else struggling with this, and I just want to share. So, I want to replace all my old gross NBWs with wolves that look better, but I have some issues.

  1.  PROFICIENCY. ughhh it'd probably be quicker to spend all my GC on customizing my current wolves than getting new ones, just because of profieciency.
  2. I'm dumb and got attached to them even though they're ugly. :(
  3. SPACE. I'd need to literally trade my wolves, like my entire hunting party for a whole new one, in one go, otherwise I'll run out of space.

Ok, mini-rant over. Just saying: If anyone's got a pretty hunting party and is willing to trade them for a kinda-ugly but high-proficiency party near the end of winter, pleeease tell me and I'm happy to trade!! If you want to check out my hunting wolves, they're all here. I probably won't be selling Blyzard, tho.

Ughh. Anyone else got issues with this? Please share,, maybe we can help eachother out. <3   Ok,  the end,, just felt like sharing. Byeeee...

︴▹ speedyscout 🏔️

Posted 2020-11-10 08:52:26

Oh, same :D At this point I’ve “resigned” myself to having simple/meh-looking NBW hunters until they die because you see they have 0.2% lore in my head and that justifies keeping them forever.

So uh, not a trade offer, but somehow I doubt you’re alone on this; I’d wager it’s hard not to have a NBW core pack when you’re first starting out, unless you can strike a bunch of deals on the sales forums? Then it’s just a matter of not getting attached, and/or replacing them early enough that the lack of proficiency in the new guys doesn’t hurt too much 🤔

(also: Blyzard pretty)


Posted 2020-11-10 08:58:27

Since I havy two mostly functiong hunting parties, I am lucky enough that I can now start replacing my NBWs in first group one by one. I have one adol growing up tomorrow to start the progress. the next one is coming in 16 ROs so prf/synergy it should be totally fine.

But yeah - I was super close to chasing them when I had me hew hunting party cause they ugly - happy I didn't though.

Sienna Snow

Posted 2020-11-10 09:20:32

@🐺 -- Lol, I hope I won't feel so attached I keep them until they die... Still I'll be sad to sell them tho! xD     Yeah, I'm pretty sure most people have this issue, it's hard not to. :o Unless you've like, played Lioden before maybe (which I didn't) or preplanned a lot. (...Which I didn't either.)     And I'm glad you like Blyzard! c: He was my second custom, I quite like his design too! ^^

@Sienna Snow -- Yeah, lucky. I would but space is a big issue, rip. I'll probably start trying that anyway, though, even with just one functioning party -- or just start adding wolves to my second hunting party, that'd probably work better. Hm.    And luckily, I have this gorgeous girl who'll age up in about 6 rollovers, and a few other pretty wolves I'll be keeping, so at least I won't have to start over totally from scratch! xD

︴▹ speedyscout 🏔️

Posted 2020-11-10 10:46:07

I know, it's so annoying... I'm currently running two hunting parties, one old NBW one and one new pretty one, and once the new one is all the way up to 100% proficiency/synergy, I'll sell the NBWs.

The scouts are the worst issue - I think I'm going to finish all biome discovery first, and only then replace them.


Posted 2020-11-10 15:12:46

I’m going to let my NBW die of old age. I have terrible taste and keep getting attached to new ones though. Some day I’ll have a pretty pack...


Posted 2020-11-10 22:46:42 (edited)

My original NBW hunting party is mostly males, so I don't care that they are ugly, and the one female actually had a successful application of merle so she's worth something.

Anyway I'm keeping them until they die, because I've got them set up. One is already over 6 so.


Posted 2020-11-10 23:40:41

@Nika -- Yeah, I'll have to try something similar. It's seriously annoying.   For scouting, I'm not too concerned with going fast about that, and actually I'll be keeping one of my scouts even tho she's a kinda plain NBW, so it's not too big an issue for me luckily :)

@Badger -- Ugh, I'm the same!! I just get attached to them. It's a big issue :')

@atheistcanuck -- Lucky! Mine are all quite young unfortunately, the oldest being like 5 and a half I think, so I plan on selling them for some cones. c:

︴▹ speedyscout 🏔️

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