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Warriors; A New World [MOONCLAN RP]

Posted 2024-12-10 00:57:38
"It's getting colder everyday, I don't think I like it." She replied with a slight frown on her face. "I'ts the season of scarcity and sickness, we'll have to work even harder." She added glancing at him before her gaze returned to the camp. Her fur was fluffed up to block out the cold and her blue eyes determined.

Posted 2024-12-10 06:37:55
ashfur sighs. "yes, though we can still help, that's what I think about."  he looks around. "we won't get as much sleep either."

Shapeshifter the goldwing

Posted 2024-12-10 11:37:02
Ghostpaw flicked his ear at hearing how illness would be coming to the clan soon, swallowing down the last of his mouse, he trotted back to the medicine den for his tasks of the day.

Posted 2024-12-10 15:26:00
SableStar He/Him - Leader

He quickly and swiftly went down into the main clearing, his hind legs not exactly the happiest. He hoped that as he continued to get older the narrow way to his den wouldn't bother him.

He sat down beside his son.

NettleHaze He/Him - Warrior

He looked expectantly at his father, but once realizing nothing was actually going to happen, he turned away. Back to grooming his chubby legs.

LemonTree |The Best Zest

Posted 2024-12-10 16:14:21 (edited)
Oceandawn looked up as Ghostpaw entered and gave him a smile. "Morning Ghostpaw, We have some gathering to do today." She told him as she returned the herbs to their original places.

"That doesnt bother me as much as the sickness that goes around in this season." She said before padding to the prey pile to eat.

Posted 2024-12-10 16:16:49
"yes, it will even test our loyalty." he said following. he looks at the prey, and chose a small mouse. "I'm just worried that I will do something wrong, and, I don't know." he said, sighing, and shaking his head. "I know I will do everything to help."

Shapeshifter the goldwing

Posted 2024-12-10 19:26:38
Ghostpaw just nodded and helped Oceandawn return the herbs to their spots, flicking his tail lightly at the calm rhythmic task, and in anticipation for herb gathering later.

Posted 2024-12-10 21:08:43
"I don't think it's a test, it's more of love and devotion for our clan and willingness to protect and work for what we love." She stated through bites. To be honest she was enjoying this conversation and Ashfur was a good clanmate. "Everycat makes mistakes, you wouldn't be the first one Ashfur. Just continue being the cat you are, i'm sure there's nothing to worry about." She added firmly though kindly.

"I think were good to go!" She chirped happily and jumped to her paws. Beckoning Ghostpaw to follow she padded over to Ashfur and Iceflower. "If you guys aren't busy when your done eating, would any of you be willing to help us look for herbs?" Oceandawn asked sweetly.

Posted 2024-12-11 16:58:13
Ashfur nods. "Yes, I don't understand why I am having this sickening feeling that something terrible is going to happen."

Shapeshifter the goldwing

Posted 2024-12-11 17:27:21
SableStar He/Him - Leader

He stood up from his place, walking towards the nearest exit of the main camp. Wouldn't hurt to go hunting, check on the borders a tad while he was at it.

LemonTree |The Best Zest

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