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Badlands (Cowboy RP) PUBLIC 🟢

Posted 2024-12-17 18:07:33
Rock nodded, his wavy hair (just for clarification DARK ) blowing a little in the breeze. He looked over at Soren, bringing his cigarette to his mouth, leaving it there.


Posted 2024-12-17 18:09:03 (edited)
(You sure?? I can just picture him like this XDScreenshot-2024-12-15-5-36-13-PM)


Posted 2024-12-17 18:11:56


"Five ain't nothing. If we're ready enough to get movin' now, then may as well. Find where they've camped - if you lot have done a good enough job of keeping yourselves out of their eyes then they'll be taking the nights to rest, tryin' to avoid stressin' their beasts - and pick 'em off easy enough. I've got everything I need with me, long range or close quarters. Just have to worry about the cattle then."

It never took long for Kirra to start thinking about her next job, especially one like this. As much as she enjoyed the city and the bustle, she did like working with the beasties on farms. Especially when Zitkala was with her now.

"If they've been left to graze free, which is really the only option cause they ain't boutta be carrying ways to hold 'em still in the night with only five horses that you've spotted, then there's gonna be at least two of them awake. And as good as I am, it'll still take a moment to get rid of all of them. Considering I ain't seen too much in the way of long-range for you all, I'd say aside from possibly Rock, I'm about the most experienced from a distance."

The cigarette rolls between her fingers, hinting to how fast her mind is flicking through plans. Even more of a tell, her voice is working into more of a drawl, losing the control that kept her accent hidden away, and she's speaking far faster than what she ever had with the group. And even as she complimented herself, the calculating eyes flicking from person to person betrayed she was being as mindful about the rest of them as she could with what limited knowledge she had.

"Which means I can probably take the two or so who are awake down, but I ain't able to do shit for the rest of them. So, what, you'll have to get into camps? Watch out for where they are?" A nod to her own words, eyes shooting back to Rock.

"Options, darlin'. Lots of 'em."

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2024-12-17 18:12:50 (edited)
Wren shifted slightly lifting her hand to pet Misty's head when the mare nosed her side likely for treats.She took out another small carrot and then gave it to her watching the group closely.She wasn't sure what she thought of this,stranger,no she wasn't gonna be hostile but that didn't mean she planned on being overly friendly.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-12-17 18:30:39
Rock smiled, flicking his fingers that held the cigarette butt, sending it into the fire. "All good things to mind to." He said, staring just away from the fire. A man can blind himself to the night if he stared into the fire for to long. "Only problem is, the tracks are old, maybe 5 days, maybe more."

His deep brown eyes glistened in the fires light. "But, we could catch a clue of who down the trail." He shifted a bit, throwing another log into the fire.


Posted 2024-12-17 18:33:06
(Look at chatter Shunk. Lol)


Posted 2024-12-21 14:22:10


"Still begs the question, we leavin' tonight or staying around and moving in the daylight?"

She wanted action... but she wasn't stupid enough to rush blindly and potentially alone into a sticky situation.


Nah, she'd be sensible. Wait and see what the rest were thinking.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2024-12-21 14:25:17
Rock leaned back in the grass, soaking in its fresh smell. "No point looking for something when you're blind."  He said. "We head out in daylight."



Posted 2024-12-21 15:41:37
wren was just listening frowning slightly

fallen was munching grass

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-12-21 15:44:51
Rory's eyes were darting from Rock to Kirra, listening closely.


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