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Badlands (Cowboy RP) PUBLIC 🟢

Posted 2024-12-26 12:09:25
Rock rested his hat over his eyes, done with the big night. He felt as if he sunk into the earth, but still on high alert for any unusual sounds, or even feelings in the air.

A man who's lived on the run, or even just as a regular cowpoke, as himself was, learned to filter out sounds of the night. There was a slight difference between a skunk rustling in grass and a badger, although they have similar sizes.

It's a skill, and takes a long time only to scratch the surface of all its possibilities.


Posted 2024-12-26 12:15:59


Sorren sighed, starting climbing up onto a tree. It was an old habit of hers, to sleep on high places. Usually it was a roof, but a tree would do just fine.

Sorren soon reached the steadiest branch that was comfortable, draping herself on top of it and leaning on the main piece of  the tree for extra stability.

Dance Girls Dance

Posted 2024-12-26 12:17:24
Icarus had tried to follow Doreen, but to no avail against the picket he was tied to


Posted 2024-12-26 12:19:50
(gtggg. See y'all later)


Posted 2024-12-26 12:20:13
( seeyaaaa)


Posted 2024-12-26 12:54:11


Kirra shrugged to herself and moved to her mare's side, undoing the girth and passing it through her stirrups to sit across the saddle. She slid it off Zitkala's back and found a log to rest it upon so she still had access to the various saddlebags hanging off of it. It didn't take much longer for her to gather the supplies she needed for the night.

Zitkala's bridle was removed and replaced with a halter, then attached to a line strung between two trees to allow her the freedom to graze while still limiting her movement. As useful as hobbles were, if they wanted to move quickly then the straps of leather would only reduce their speed.

It didn't take long for her to finish setting up an area for herself, pulling a roll of fabric from one of the saddlebags and laying it on the ground next to the log. And so, her own small campsite was set up. Log, mare was tethered, saddle was covered in a waterproof skin, and with her hat over her eyes Kirra could sleep.

But as always, one hand rested under her head and one across her stomach for two reasons. Comfort, yes, but the hand reaching across her stomach allowed her fingertips to brush against a knife hidden in her layers of clothing. She trusted this group enough to think she wouldn't be stabbed in the night, but she didn't trust whatever cattle rustlers that may or may not have been around to not come lurking. Better safe than sorry in any case.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2024-12-26 12:56:12
(Dayum I suck at roleplaying XD. Time skip?)


Posted 2024-12-26 12:56:54
(don't say that about yourself smh, just takes time and practice!! but yes, timeskip sounds good)

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2024-12-26 13:00:25 (edited)
(XD I'm also a little tired. Ok)
The morning sky shone its amethyst purple and gold, beginning the day with a beautiful Mountain View.

Rock shuffled stiffly out of his sleep, keeping quiet and listening for anyone out of the odd as he did. He shifted his hat off of his eyes slowly, staring up into the painting like sky, admiring its unique beauty.


Posted 2024-12-26 13:13:27


It didn't seem as if it had rained, thankfully, as Kirra moved the hat off of her eyes. She rose with a soft sigh, eyes immediately going to her mare to check over the horse for any signs of injury or distress. Zitkala only looked at her with what could only be seen as faint disgust in response to the cracking of Kirra's spine, having settled into place during the night and now loudly protesting come morning.

It didn't take long for Kirra to wake up fully and replace what she had taken from the saddlebags to their rightful places and then remove a cup, a tin of coffee, and a skein of milk. She gazed at the ingredients with the typical half-asleep not processing face before she turned back to the saddlebag, managing to procure sugar and pulling a spoon from one of the many pockets in her pants.

The fire was barely lit, just smouldering away and producing barely any heat, so she first worked to restore it before settling into an oddly bird like pose, practically nested on the ground as she brewed the first cup of coffee. It was far too early in her opinion to be speaking, but should the others show any interest - and provide their own mugs - she'd be more than willing to brew them some.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

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