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"Driven" || A Medieval-Runaways Roleplay W/ The Trio ||

Posted 2024-12-11 15:12:01
She nodded, "If you'd carry that bag, we'd probably not have to make many trips." She jerked her hed towards one of the other bags she'd dragged out, opening the one she was carrying and grabbing a bit of fresher meat. She crouched down, making the 'psps' noise again to Ember.


Posted 2024-12-11 15:12:57
Ember paused and looked at the human eyeing the meat in her hand.She didn't get up though just watched expecting it to be thrown to her like before.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-12-12 14:01:41


Posted 2024-12-12 15:35:16
(Sorry, I had a bunch of things come up and I'm all over the place )
Innis nodded, grasping the bag briskly. It was a little heavy, but not something she couldn't manage, even with an injured arm.

ลžฤฆแปฎล‡าœฮ” ลดฮ”ล˜ฮ”าœโ€™ฦ—ล‡

Posted 2024-12-14 23:35:10
Saege tossed the meat toward Ember and, now standing, picked up two other large bags, placing both over her shoulders. She quickly picked up the large bucket, which had things stacked inside, and started towards the forest. "Try not to lose sight of me, if possible."


Posted 2024-12-14 23:37:39
Innis nodded, seeming more stiff than usual. She mentally prepared for the trip as she followed Saege, keeping her steps high and out of the way of debris so not to make noise.

ลžฤฆแปฎล‡าœฮ” ลดฮ”ล˜ฮ”าœโ€™ฦ—ล‡

Posted 2024-12-15 09:27:04
Ember sat up and promptly ate it tilting her head at them curiously.Should she follow or stay away? she wasn't to sure so she just stood there thinking about it.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-12-17 20:22:02
Saege quietly slipped into the forest, her footsteps barely making a sound. If they did make a sound, it was natural, like the wind rustling the leaves on the ground. She paused only to adjust the bags on her shoulder.


Posted 2024-12-18 05:22:05
After a moment of hesitation the young mountain lion followed after the two specifically the one that had given her free snacks.She had decided that something that gave free food shouldn't be dangerous and if it all went bad she was much faster and could climb trees so what could go wrong?

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-12-23 10:23:49
Innis kept the sight of Saege's back close to her, while also keeping quiet and hauling the packs she held.
Her arm started to throb from the work, but she did not let it get in the way of her task.

ลžฤฆแปฎล‡าœฮ” ลดฮ”ล˜ฮ”าœโ€™ฦ—ล‡

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