Small EXP gain for losing battles
Posted 2020-11-11 17:46:36
I like this because it's a good incentive to keep fighting & not just leave when the fight starts going bad. It makes sense both balance-wise and lore-wise. Agree with speedyscout's adjustment to only take effect when you've lost a certain percentage of HP, so you can't just wait until an event restores 2 HP then go die again. |
![]() Mossfoot #23226 |
Posted 2020-11-11 17:51:20
Support, but either make it very little (like, 1/20th of how much you'd get winning) or scale it to how much HP you lost/had in the first place. That way you can't just spam "Go Forward" at 0HP, instalose, and get EXP. Maybe also limit it to opponents around your level so going after opponents way higher than you is more of a risk/reward. |
![]() Before #8638 |
Posted 2020-11-13 04:09:54
Absolutely support! This would be a brilliant and very user-friendly function to add in. As a new player, there is a very definite struggle trying to grind for levels. I almost try to avoid battling completely because of how much of a setback it can be. Having a bit of a fail-safe that would make me feel like I wasn't just wasting time and resources would make me feel much better, and overall be beneficial for the user-experience! |
LightOfLilith #26735 |
Posted 2020-11-13 06:05:56
Support, though I agree there needs to be a mechanism to prevent spamming it. Personally I would prefer it to scale with the amount of HP you took off the enemy, rather than the amount you had yourself at the beginning.. |
Coal #476 |
Posted 2020-11-13 17:01:16
Support! Though I think it would be smarter to reward strategic decisions and not just if your wolf gets pummeled. I always got the impression the game wants you to pick your fights carefully and not hammer away until you hit 0 HP every time, and instead retreat (as recovering form 0 is harder/more costly) when you might lose. After all, if you get bleed immediately, and you're fighting like, a bear around your level, I'd say it's safe to expect you are far more likely to lose than win even with a lucky foot active. I'd say gain EXP based on maybe how much damage you did to the enemy before you lost. And if halfway through the fight you decide it's not worth it and retreat, you give up EXP gain but gain a small chance of a stat increase, like smarts. That way losing a fight and hitting 0 HP is more "You lost, but that does not mean you did not learn. You decide to keep the experience in mind for next time." (fraction of EXP gain based on what you accomplished in the fight) While retreating from a fight is "Even you can tell this is a fight you can't win. Nothing was gained today, but a few ideas do cross your mind for next time." (occasional, unpredictable chance of stat gain, to mitigate potential spam/abuse) That way it might slightly encourage to pick battles a little more. You might definitely know you aren't gonna win a fight if the damage numbers aren't going in your favor, but you can save what HP for a later fight that might be easier, if that is the choice you'd like to make. |
![]() otterbells #4284 |
Posted 2020-11-18 05:00:41
This needs to be added like yesterday. Just used a full HP bar only to lose, with my opponent on 1 HP. Absolutely nothing to show for it except frustration and a phone that almost got launched out the window in anger. It makes sense that losing a battle should grant your wolf experience, and it would certainly lessen the blow of losing all your HP and some energy. |
![]() Snow ⛄️ #16980 |
Posted 2020-11-18 06:46:07
Support! Leveling is a pain right now. |
Mythborn #23708 |
Posted 2020-11-18 08:41:52
Yes please! Failing hunts awards exp, so why not battles? I think a small amount is fair enough- and besides, losing battles is punishing enough with the risk of illness. Its not like it could be easily abused- you'd still have to heal to be at a high enough threshold to enter battles, after all. |
![]() Closet #4068 |
Posted 2020-11-21 03:02:58
Full support. The idea of XP is EXPERIENCE, and it makes sense that a wolf would gain some of that even when a battle is lost. They gain the experience and should theoretically be better at battling their next enemy because of it. |
![]() 💮ainothefinn💮 #17094 |
Posted 2020-11-21 04:38:10
Support! The grind really does get real the higher your main wolf gets, even the bonus from completing quests becomes nothing after a while. A little extra exp from lost battles would make the grind slightly less terrible, cause it would still be progress even if my wolf didn't win a battle. |
Rascal #21438 |