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Asteroid's Trustworthy (Discontinued)

Asteroid's Trustworthy (Discontinued)
Posted 2024-12-07 18:48:12 (edited)
This is a story about one of my wolves who is the Main Character of my pack. Feel free to interact.

Whispers made their way around the camp as one of the she-wolves gave birth. Lyra didn't trust the Fealcu hybrid and was ready to send her away. But the old queen past away and her heir, Downburst, has taken over. She saw potential in Solar and allowed her to stay. Now she had given birth and the new queen allowed her to keep one pup. Some wolves, however, never lost their trust in the bright colored wolf and started to resent her pup too. Will Asteroid, earn their trust?

I'm discontinuing this thread but that's not mean I'm discontinuing Asteroid's story. Stay tuned by watching my den for updates.

Lyra Blackthorn

Posted 2024-12-07 19:03:28
Major Characters PT 1:



Lead Hunter:



Lyra Blackthorn

Posted 2024-12-07 19:17:33 (edited)
Major Characters Pt 2:
MC's Mother:

Main Character:

Future Love Interests:


Other Characters with important roles:
Nebula. Dosen't like Solar or Asteroid. She does not like the closeness of her daughter, Ariel and the MC and tries to separate them

Lyra Blackthorn

Posted 2024-12-07 19:43:05

Solar laid on her side, panting as the first pain of birth shot threw her. Burdock, the herbalist was helping her go threw it. She pushed and heard the whine of a puppy. She felt her heart warmed with love as she heard it but then another pain made her gasp.

"You got three more, Solar. Just hold on a little longer." The black and white healer told her. With in few minutes four bundles of fur snuggled against her belly. She glanced at the four pups with love. Three females, one male. One of them even got her growth Solar got from her father.

The Queen came in to see her puppies. "You did well, Solar. I'm thinking we sell the male and give two of the others to the enclave. But you can choose which one you are going to keep." Downburst murmured to her.

Solar felt her heart dropped when she heard her say that. She want to keep them all but she also knew theirs not enough space for all of them. She just hope that they will be loved in other packs. She look over and her bright eyes laid on the one with the growth.

She beckoned to her daughter with her tail. "This one is staying."  The Queen nodded. "Then it's decided. She will be the one you will keep."

The Queen left to patrol the territory. She look down at her daughter and wrapped her tail around her. She knew that her daughter will face the same distrust she did. She bend down and licked her. "But don't worry, my love. You will earn your trust, I know it. My Asteroid." She whispered as she laid her head down.

Lyra Blackthorn

Posted 2024-12-07 20:55:50
Chapter One, Pt1:
Deep in the burrow that makes the nursery, the excited yelps of puppies were heard. Three sets of litters have been born to three sets of she-wolves, all have four pup each. All have been born during the winter. Two of the litters have already opened their eyes. River's pups won't have their eyes open till another half moon.

The pups that were making the most noise belong to a beryl colored wolf, named Nebula. All of them were she-wolves. In another half-moon, three of them are going to the Enclave to be adopted out by other packs. In another nest, a she-wolf pup was watching them with interest in her red eyes.

Asteroid and her siblings had just opened their eyes a few days ago and now get to see the world. The brown and green puppy look back at her littermates who was still sleeping. She huffed, wanting to play. She didn't want to wake them up though.

"You can play with them, if you want." She turn her head to the familiar voice of her mother. The bright yellow wolf look down at her with affection in her eyes.

Asteroid flattened her ears against her head and she look at the growth on her back. She knew she was different. She can tell by the look of some wolves eyes and the growth on her back. "But what if they don't like me, Mama?"

Solar chuckled and push her out of the nest towards them. "Don't be ridicules, my shooting star. You are part of this pack."

Asteroid opened her mouth to protest but Solar stopped her with a firm expression. She shut her mouth and sighed. She walk over to the she-wolf pups.

"Hello. Can I play with you?" *The puppies stopped playing and look at her.*

"Why would we want to play with you?" Taurus asked with a sniff.

"Yeah, our mother told us that your mother is half demon." *Saturn added, her gray eyes filled with disgust.*

"And what is with that growth on your back?" *Makemake chimed in.*

Asteroid frozed and her ears droop. A tear run from her red eyes. I knew it. They don't like me. She turn around and slowly walk towards her own nest. Pawsteps walk up to her and made her stop. She felt a wet nose touch her shoulder. She turn around and was face to face with a black and red puppy. It was the fourth she-wolf from the litter.

"Are you going to make fun of me too?" *She ask bluntly. The onyx colored pup shook her head, with a gentle expression in her blue eyes.*

"No. I'm not like my cold hearted sisters, no matter how much I love them. There is nothing wrong with you. All I see is a young puppy who wants to play." *She told her.* "I'm Ariel, by the way. My sisters are Taurus, Saturn, and Makemake. I always make fun of Makemake for her name. Mother told me she was name after a dwarf planet."

Lyra Blackthorn

Posted 2024-12-07 23:46:21 (edited)
Ariel's tail wagged slightly, her blue eyes soft as she gazed at Asteroid. "I would love to play with you," *she said.

(To be clear, can I play as one of your characters? I've never done an interactive before.)


Posted 2024-12-08 08:33:39 (edited)
(Sure. You are playing as one of my actual wolves. Each chapter is for when they aged up.)

Chapter 1, Pt2:

Asteroid was confused about what Ariel was saying. What's a dwarf planet? I knew of actual planet's because of the stories the mentors told us.

Her confusion turn to happiness as Ariel told her she can play with her. Her green ears perked up and her tail began to wag. "Really?" Her red eyes glimmers with hope. She can see her mother also wagging her tail. Solar slowly got up from her nest and walk towards the entrance. She look back at Asteroid. "I'm going on a hunt with my team. You can play outside, but I won't recommend it. We live in the Tundra and the ground is deep in snow. And Asteroid, if you need something, ask your pupsitter."

After she told her she dart out of the nursery. Asteroid glance at Ariel and tilted her head. "What do you want to play?"

Ariel thought for a few moments. "How about we play Starseeds and Reptiles. I'll be a Starseed Queen as my mother is Queen Lyra's daughter. You can be my second in command. We have to go out and find some sticks. We can pretend they are snakes."

Asteroid nodded. That sound like a fun game. Ariel led the way outside. She shivered as she left the warm burrow. The whole camp is covered in snow, and up to her neck. "Do we have to play out here? It's freezing!"

"We have to get use to it eventually, Asteroid. Especially if we are going to be hunters one day." Ariel said matter of factly.

Lyra Blackthorn

Posted 2024-12-08 08:49:30 (edited)
Asteroid force herself to stop shivering and nodded. Solar told her that the Queen assign her to be a chaser in the future. She followed her new play mate outside. Ariel froze and pointed her red-orange tail to a large branch. "Look, a rock python."

Asteroid nodded, exaiming the "python". "It's huge. How are we going to take it down. If we don't act fast enough, it will strangle and swallow one of us." Ariel narrowed her blue eyes and scanned the large "reptile".

"You pounce it's back and pinned it down. I will go for it's throat." *the black and red wolf instructed.*

Asteroid nodded with a serious look in her eyes. "Sounds like a good plan. But be careful, Ariel. Don't let it bite you."

"That snake won't even see us coming. Get behind it while I sneak towards its head. I'll signal to you when it's time to attack." Ariel told her. Asteroid crouched and was careful not to make a sound so she won't alert the "snake". She crept forward until she was behind it. She look towards her friend, waiting for the signal.

She saw Ariel slowly creeping toward its head. She locked eyes on Asteroid and raised her tail. The brown and green puppy lept towards it's back and pinned it down. The branch moved almost knocking her down. "Hurry, Ariel! I can't hold on longer!"

Ariel pounced on the front of the branch and sink her teeth into It's "throat". Asteroid made the branch stop moving. She raised her tail in triumphant. "We did it!"

Ariel let out a howl. "Yes we did! It's skin will be in my den as a trophy. No reptile will ever mess with Lyra Starseeds Pack!"

Lyra Blackthorn

Posted 2024-12-09 09:21:42 (edited)
Chapter 2:

Asteroid lied in her nest, feeling depressed. Her two sisters Soul and Yam had left for the enclave. She knew she won't ever see them again. Her brother, Abyss is still here but he is being sold to another pack. She lifted her head up and saw that her mother is heading for the entrance. She got up and walk to her side

"I'm going back to the hunters den." *Solar told her. Asteroid's red eyes widened in dismay. "Why? Can't you stay here? You can still go hunt with your team."

*Solar bend down and nuzzled her.* "That's not how it works in this pack. When puppies are weaned, the mother has to go back to their den. Unless you are a Pupsitter. But don't worry, love. I'll visit you whenever I can."

Asteroid felt a little better, but her ears still droop. She felt a warm nose touch her shoulder. She turn and see that her brother has a soft look in his green gaze. "I will still be here. I heard that it sometimes take awhile for me to be sold."

Asteroid felt warmth in her body and she nuzzled her brother. "Okay, Abyss. But I'm going to miss you when you're gone." Abyss nuzzled her back. "I will miss you too. Maybe my new pack will let us visit."

The green and brown puppy felt her tail wag. "I hope so." Their mother smiled and nuzzled the both of them. Asteroid watched as she left the den. Her tail dropped. Abyss pressed his nose against her again. "Let's play! We need to make the most of our time together."

Asteroid yip in agreement and play bow. "Let's play wolf versus coyote! You're the wolf."

"Okay!" *Abyss pounced on her and the two siblings began to wrestle.

"I'm going to still your puppies! You'll never stop me, wolf!" *Asteroid growled, trying to get the upper paw. "I like to see you try, coyote! I am much bigger and stronger then you!" Abyss growled back. Asteroid tried to get away but Abyss pounced on her again and pinned her down.

"Do you yield, coyote?" Abyss questioned, giving her a mock snarl. Asteroid stopped squirming and lied down in defeat. "Yes, I yeild."

Abyss got off of her and give a victory howl. She heard pawsteps behind her and turn to find her Pupsitter, Fleet, coming towards her. "It's time for your first lesson, Asteroid."

"Already?" *The pup asked. The mottled gray wolf nodded and beckoned her towards her. She trotted towards her Pupsitter and look back towards her brother. "If you leave before I finish my lesson, I want to say goodbye."

Abyss nodded. "Goodbye. And if I do leave, I want to say I love you. You are an amazing sister and you will do great things. I know that some wolves don't like you. Just don't let them stop you for being the wolf you were meant to be."

Asteroid felt her eyes watered and she run over to buried her face into her brother's red pelt. Once, she felt better she trotted back to her Pupsitter and left to start her lesson.

Lyra Blackthorn

Posted 2024-12-09 09:34:42
(oo. I like the story!)


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