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wonderful wandering wolves

wonderful wandering wolves
Posted 2020-11-10 16:35:47

do you ever have those wolves in your pack that seem like they want to see the world? want to connect your pack to others for some fun lore opportunities? just enjoy trading wolves around? Well, you're in the right place! welcome to the Wonderful Wandering Wolves forum, where you can send off your wolves to other packs to see the world.

Please note, this is not an adoption thread. there are already plenty of those, so if you're looking to get free wolves to keep then please check out one of those instead!

so here are the basic rules:

  1. write something in the bio! it doesn't need to be much, just a few sentences up to a couple of paragraphs, what ever your comfortable with, explaining the wolf's experiences in your pack
  2. do not keep the wolf! send them along to another user! try not to keep them more that 2 weeks.
  3. feed and play with the wolf before sending them! don't send people half starved wolves, that's rude.
  4. you can breed the wolf, use items on them, give them a role while their in your pack, etc.
  5. please try not to send sick wolves.
  6. be courteous to your fellow player.
  7. no demanding for your wolves back once they are sent!

wanna take in a wolf? here's how!

  1. check the comment below for wolves that are looking to move on
  2. send a message to the user currently housing that wolf to get a private trade sent
  3. boom! now you got a wanderer in your pack for a little while! write something in their bio about their stay in your pack and come back here when they're ready to move on!

have a wolf that wants to wander? here's how!

  1. comment on here with a link to the wolf you want to send! I'll add them to the list of wanderers.
  2. wait for someone to message you asking to take them in.
  3. set up a private trade with that user containing the wolf and 1 sc with a buy out of 1 sc
  4. message me or comment here letting me know to remove them from the list!

Birdie 🐦

Posted 2020-11-10 16:36:09 (edited)
the following are wolves looking to move on!

Birdie 🐦

Posted 2020-11-10 16:36:21 (edited)

Here are all the wondering wolves!

Birdie 🐦

Posted 2020-11-10 17:06:22

Never participated in something like this before, but it looks cool and I wanna give it a shot. Here's the wolf I'd like to send to wander: Never really been big on rp stuff so I apologise if the bio is sort of lackluster.

Xochipilli :o)

Posted 2020-11-10 17:09:14

@Xochipilli :o)

I'll add him to the list!

Birdie 🐦

Posted 2020-11-12 11:56:17

I love these games! I have an adol. that would love to see the world!


Posted 2020-11-12 14:46:18


I'll add him :)

Birdie 🐦

Posted 2020-11-12 14:47:29

Thank you! <3


Posted 2020-11-13 03:57:06

This sounds really interesting! i've never done anything like this so i'm curious to see what will happen. i'll let Rana go wander.


Posted 2020-11-16 23:51:36

can Honey join too?

Honey |:| Wolvden


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