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All Medicine Raffle

All Medicine Raffle
Posted 2020-11-11 01:53:49

Hello and welcome!

I am going to be hosting an auction to gather silver cones, since I have no self control and have hoarded puppies.

The main prize of the auction will be one of each type of medicine, all of them with full uses! On top of that, I will have a second place and third place prize as well!

First place will get 1 of each;

Antidote, Constipation Cure, Cough Cure, Cure-For-All, Cystitis Cure, Diarrhea Cure, Distemper Cure, Ear Mites Ointment, Fleas Remedy, Healing Salve, Heatstroke Remedy, Hepatitis Cure, Infection Balm, Influenza Cure, Mange Salve, Open Wound Salve, Pox Balm, Rich Healing Salve, Ringworm Salve, Tapeworm Remedy and Tick Remedy.

Second place and third place will get 1 of each;

Cure-For-All and Rich Healing Salve.

Tickets are either 1 for 10 silver cones, 5 for 1 gold cone or 2 for an herb.

The raffle will only happen if at least 30 tickets are sold for silver cones. I will expect a private trade offer when you want to purchase tickets, but I will not accept it until enough interest is gathered.

The raffle will end on the 16th at rollover.


Posted 2020-11-11 01:54:04

Raffle tickets purchased


Posted 2020-12-31 18:23:56

Is this raffle still going? Is so I'd love to purchase 5 tickets for herbs!


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