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🏮 Shimoro's CSS Shop 🏮 | [OPEN] | NEW: Hidden Elements, Expanding Caves, Buttons Instead Of Cards

Posted 2020-11-30 14:44:17

I absolutely love coding and making layouts, but after seeing your shop I've resolved to order one :O There's just something about someone else making your CSS :D I'll post a form in a few!


Posted 2020-11-30 14:46:54

@Lila oh I'm happy to know that you like my works! I saw your shop too, you do pretty nice layouts ♥
I'd be glad to work on your order~


Posted 2020-11-30 15:19:33 (edited)

Player ID: Lila #225
Background: This image!
Colors: A soft theme. Just nothing too bright or hard to see/read.
Fonts: PT Serif for Navbar and Headers. Average Sans for body and p texts. Niconne for h1 / Pack Header.
Transparency on main/sidebar: Yes. More on the subtle side.
Additional: Shadows behind the boxes please. Rounded corners. Faded filter on Dynasty/etc images.
Boxes: I would like one medium sized box with 3 tabs, please. Slight transparency to the box, but mostly solid. Very similar to the one in your den!
Text: Regular please.
Extras: Custom cursor: This one
Payment type: GC please! Thank you :)


Posted 2020-11-30 15:29:06

@Lila thank you for order! I added it to queue and will start working on it as soon as finish the prev one~


Posted 2020-11-30 15:29:36

Thank you so much!


Posted 2020-11-30 16:13:03

I have a question about art assets! Would it be possible to include art (like the little birds on top of boxes) if I have drawn it? And if so are there particular specifications for the images? (Other than being transparent pngs)

Thanks for your time! Your work is lovely 


Posted 2020-11-30 22:09:45

@OwO heya~
Yes, I can use images that are drawn by you! There are no exactly sizes, all depends from aspect ratio. I can add pictures on top/bottom of any box/boxes, if picture is small, like birds I showed, or it is long and not tall (for example, img of chinese dragon). And I can add pictures on left/right sides of any box/boxes, if picture is small or it is tall and narrow (for example, img of thin tree).
In fact, you just need to draw what you want in big resolution, and then we will solve where we can put it and in what size~


Posted 2020-12-01 09:24:02

Player ID: Fennex #3553

Background: This one!

Colors: I'd like a dark theme with subtle and mushy greens, whites and pale oranges fitting the background. I don't want the greens to overwhelm the layout like they do in the current layout I have right now, so paler/darker greens and more black n white would be greatly appreciated. Something like color #f4a261 for headers might be good.

Fonts: For headers, bolded Philosopher. For normal text and smaller headers (recent friends, cave names, crossroads), Nunito.

Transparency on main/sidebar: High opacity yet slightly see-through. Similar to your page, but a tiny bit lower opacity. Sidebar should have a bit higher opacity than main by a 20%-ish difference depending on what looks best.

Additional: I'd like rounded corners for the lead wolf box in the sidebar, and a yellow/orange filter over the dynasty, breeding, nesting and overview icons.

Boxes: I'd like a box with the same appearance as the first box in your den page with the lorebook, icons guide and relations, except it should have 4 tabs (lore, ranks, special events and naming system) and be a bit larger to suit the additional tab.

Below it I'd like two boxes equal in size and appearance to your first box (with the lorebook) but no tabs. All 3 boxes should have hover transitions, including the shadows and dropdown. All 3 should have the same opacity and color as the sidebar (with the exception of the top of the box containing the title that would be darker), and the text within the boxes should be white. All boxes should be scrollable, but there should be no scrollbars for any of them.

Text: Regular

Extras: I would like the hunger, energy, mood and health bars be specifically like this to easier discern between them:

· Hunger, red/orange
· Energy, yellow
· Mood, blue
· Health, light shade of green

Payment type: GC for the base payment, SC for the additional payments!

Pretty sure that was all, but please do tell me if you need more details! Honestly, I trust your proficiency as a layouter.


Posted 2020-12-01 09:46:05 (edited)

@Fennex thank you for order! I'll add it to queue and start working on it as soon as finish prev orders!
But I also want to clarify few moments:
1. Did I understand right that you want rounded corners only on lead wolf box?
2. Nice color overlay filters aren't really possible (it can be made, but it will look bad), but I can edit standard images with photoshop, is that fine?


Posted 2020-12-01 10:45:10

1. Yes, yes you did
2. Ah okay. Sure!


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