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Getting rid of wolves, but not wiping them from existance
Getting rid of wolves, but not wiping them from existance
Posted 2024-12-25 16:35:39
I have a few wolves in my pack that I dont really want, but i dont want to chase/send away because then it wipes them from the game and i like to see how they are doing, (Thinking about them not existing makes me kinda sad). They're not high level or anything but i want to give them to someone(?) so i can still see them you know?
Posted 2024-12-25 16:52:04
I have a few wolves myself in a similar situation. I don't wanna chase them, because then they wouldn't show up in my family trees. I suppose there is retiring but that is kinda expensive.. and the game treats them the same as if they were dead (sends them to the dynasty). I had this diabolical idea of getting my unwanted wolves distemper ( the only contagious lethal illness I'm aware of?) and then allowing them to perish so they can be sent to the dynasty for free? Then I can visit them whenever I want but not have them take up den space IDK, never tried doing it yet, and I reckon this is not the solution you had in mind at all hahah.