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Cricket #131695

The Molecular Moon Hounds have bizarre beliefs and an unusual pack structure. They believe that everything in the world, including their bodies are made up of tiny particles called "atoms" that make larger structures called "molecules". They call this spiritual belief system "Chemistry". These wolves specifically study and worship the pathways of matter and
Based on their beliefs and their respect for the order of all things. Which revolves around a god of atoms called "Carbon".
They have developed a naming scheme unique to their pack.
All newborn pups are given their first name based on a simple small carbon based molecule. When they become adolescents, they may be given a new name based on a macro-molecule depending on their personality and how they interact with the rest of the pack.
The rules of naming based on personalities are as follows:

Wolves with an aggressive disposition are named after a protein, typically an enzyme because of their tendency to catalyze change within the pack and work in an action oriented way.

Wolves with a stoic disposition are named after a nucleic acid, as their internal demeanor mirrors the function of DNA, In the way they quietly work behind the scenes in ways that are sometimes hard for others to understand.

Wolves with a friendly disposition are named after a carbohydrate, as they are sweet as sugars and provide others with a source of friendly energy in the form of encouragement.

Wolves with a romantic disposition are named after a lipid, as they hold the rest of the pack together as a lipid does within a cell's membrane. They are comparable to the sweetness of a sugar but provide a deeper and richer satisfaction in the way a lipid provides long burning energy.
Member Information
Name Cricket
Pack Molecular Moonhounds
Lead Wolf Hexokinase
Joined 2023-11-29
Last Active 2024/05/22 19:17:55
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