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Chaotic nights (priv rp with freaky freaks)

Posted 3 days ago
(Coyotes, we on a mission to kill 'em and give them truama)

Plus couldn't look away from the sound, alarm bells ringing. She moves to stand up, her brain yelling at her to run, that something was off


Posted 3 days ago
(These poor coyotes 😂)

3 pairs of yellow eyes poked out of the brush,then 3 dusty yellow snouts and finally 3 coyote heads appeared growling and barring their teeth.Sage barred her fangs at the lashing her tail and moving unconsciously infront of plush.

(My gf back off pups! -Sage,probably)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 3 days ago
(Hey, you started it)

Plush was fighting the urge not to run as soon as she saw the coyotes, though she does back away into a tree. She knew by Sage's movements that she probably wasn't going to let Plush get hurt, but still, the urge to run and hide was tough



Posted 3 days ago
(fair enough)

she side stepped keeping so close to plush her fur almost always brushed against her.The coyote looked at each other hesitating for a moment before they crept fully into the clearing and started stalking closer to them.Sage swiped a paw at one of them with a furious snarl causing it to jump back.

(aw indeed)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 3 days ago
Plush looks up at the tree, before looking back at the coyotes and Sage. She quickly turns and somehow climbed the tree faster than a normal human should. She sat on one of the branches, her legs dangling off. She knew she was safe around Sage, but the feeling of it and the urge had her


Posted 3 days ago
sage glanced at plush ok shes safe,now,coyotes.. she thought and launched at the closest coyote an practically flattening and shredding it like a cat toy.She hissed at one of the coyotes when it ran and bit her leg and angrily let go of the first one slashing her claws over the bitey ones face causing it to yelp and jump back.

(angy cat)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 3 days ago
Plush flinches at Sage attacked. She winces, not hurt, but definitely feeling the coyotes pain. She watches, though after a but she had to look away, for some reason she felt the pain they had and it was annoying

(Angry kitty)


Posted 3 days ago
after a good 15 seconds sage had ripped up the bitey coyote and chased off the other two and then she just kinda stood there,staring into the trees.Normally she would be unbothered,even proud of herself,but for some reason she wasn't to sure how she felt? her tail twitched and her ears stayed pinned back but she didn't move other then that.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 3 days ago
Plush looks back at Sage when she hears paws scattering. She stays in the tree for a few moments longer before climbing/jumping down, landing with a small wince. She shakes her leg, rolling her ankle to stretch it out. But she then turns to Sage. "You solid- nope, not right-" She first mumbles to herself before speaking to Sage. "You okay?"


Posted 3 days ago
(bro me forgot to mention to swapped to orange tiger XDDD)

her tail flicked and show sat down looking over at plush and licking blood off her muzzle and promptly scrunching her muzzle in mild disgust.Coyote tastes almost as bad as human! BLEH

Ghost of the lost

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