Rex immediately moves to Taiga and lays down, just as the rabbit darted off. Taiga huffs as the rabbit runs off before turning to see Rex. She tilts her head before quickly moving to lay the top half of her body on Rex, knowing the pressure of a body would help n calming Rex down further. Taiga looks over at Whisper, silently asking what happened
Whisper kinda just, stood there, for a moment at least, debating her entire life choices mainly. "uh.. she ran off into the outer city and freaked out" she said quietly feeling she MAY or may not get in trouble for not stopping her though it made no sense since she hadn't been told to watch Rex and also shes not responsible for what a grown woman does but also she could still be blamed because- ok maybe she was overthinking things now.
Taiga freezes up, looking down at Rex with a disappointed look before picking her up by the scruff and walking off towards the pack. She expected Whisper to follow. Oh the earful of scolding words Taiga was holding back.
whisper followed, shifting to cat form, mostly cus she felt better as a cat, why? because who wants to be human? She stayed a bit away from Taiga possibly fearing a nip or something but followed all the same, though part of her wanted to bolt away as fast as catly possible
Once they reached the area, Taiga drops Rex by Velvet. She looked upset and definitely disappointed. She takes a deep breath before turning to Whisper, going to scold her first than Rex when she's fully aware. "You let her go out-! She isn't allowed out, couldn't you tell? And letting her go near humans, no less. That's just asking for her to be killed! And maybe you- It's not safe Even more so over in that area, they would kill her on sight if wanted. Might hurt you if they find out you aren't a house-pet. Use that brain of yours, Whisper." She started to pace as she spoke, tail trashing behind her as her ears pinned back
yea.. should of left when I had the chance she thought slightly backing away and crouching against the ground partly trying to hide and partly trying to get away from taiga in case she got worse then just a scolding.
(be nice to my poor baby she can't deal with loud voices XD)
Taiga pauses, stopping her scolding. She takes a deep breath, calming her tone to a soft one that a parent would use with their child (A health relationship between parent and child, promise-). She steps closer to Whisper, kneeling down and licking the top of her head as a show of comfort and safety. "Sorry, Whisper.."
(Awh, Taiga will be nice, if Sweetie finds out, maybe a dead cat. But Sweetie won't find out, promise)
Whisper just twitched without a response and backed off again inching farther away,would probably be a little while before she felt safe going close to taiga, crazy how many times sage had done the same time, raised her voice to much, and lost whispers existence for a week or more depending on how mad she'd gotten.
(she already messed up XD, its fine, wasn't bad enough for her to literally disappear for a week, likely to just avoid her for a day or two, if sweetie kills whisper and sage finds out we gonna have a dead wolf lol XD not sure who's avenging sage if she dies.. lots of enemies.. oh well)
Taiga lets out a small whine as Whisper backs away. She lays as close as she can to the ground, feeling horrible about scolding her now. Velvet looked over, he wanted to speak but kept quiet, still practically on top of Rex, who was watching, now fully calmed down and aware
(Awh, now I feel bad Dead cat, dead wolf, dead tiger. What a collection of dead, almost said head for some reason)
Whisper eyed taiga for a moment before turning and darting a few feet up a tree and stopping on a branch about half way up the tree. There she just perched, pressed to the branch her claws digging into it, mostly prevent a bird from snatching her.
(pat pat, shes as skittish as well, a cat XD, and HAA)