James and Shark were quick to reach Raven's house. James half ready to break another door, while Shark seemed.. nervous..? James looked back at Shark before looking back towards Raven's place and barking loudly. He wanted to break the door, so he was going to give Raven a few seconds to prepare for his shit.
Raven blinked hearing barking ah, company she joked to herself. "Saturn!" she said somewhat loudly, the dog stopped and looked at her, ears pricked "go get James, before he destroys my door.. again" she said and pointed towards the house. Saturn gave a bark as a reply and turned, darting off, she skidded to a stop a bit away from the two, her tail wagged slightly In greeting.
James jumps back slightly. Well there goes his door crushing dreams.. But his tail started to wag as well, happy to see someone he knew. "Saturn! I missed you!" He seems overjoyed, while Shark was still nervous, almost worried for some reason. It was weird but oh well. "But I also dislike you now, why am I not allowed to crush doors?" James huffs, he sounded disappointed. But that was just for amusement reasons, no actual hate.
Saturn gave an eye roll and just turned around and started back towards raven, ha as if she planned on speaking to HIM! She was still holding a bit of a grudge.. Fawn was still playing with the kitten and Silver, raven stood in the same spot, now petting Jewels head who was resting her chin on ravens shoulder.
"Hey!" James trots to catch up to Saturn, not fully aware that she still was upset with him. After a few steps he pauses and stops, looking back at Shark. "Shark? Come on." That seems to snap Shark out of whatever trance he was in, he runs to catch up and ends up staying close to James
Saturn stopped before reaching raven and headed back to playing, silver paused when she saw shark and waved her tail in the air purring like a kitten before bounding over, but she didn't touch him, just stood there beaming at him. Raven was to busy petting her new child to look over.
Shark flinches as Silver comes over to him. He hisses at her, stepping closer to James and away from Silver. James turns his human form, stretching. He smiles at Raven, overjoyed to see her. "Raven!!" He practically yells. He waits until Raven looks over at him, not wanting to scare her or the animals around by tackling her into a hug.
Silver backed off, looking a bit degected, but she was kinda used to her brother not liking her, neither of em did, least she had fawn and Saturn! She turned and made her way back over to the others
Raven took a step back and beamed at him "hey James" she said side stepping slightly and heading over to him, she pulled him into a big ol hug.
James immediately hugs Raven back, not letting her go. "I missed you, missed so much!" He held onto her, loving the hug and just the physical touch from her.
Shark watches as Silver backed off, now feeling a bit bad. He was usually aggressive and mean, yeah, but that's gotten.. Well he doesn't want to be aggressive and mean anymore. He looks over at James and Raven, just staying close
"It's not been that long! Or are you just happy cus you can't get scolded by Alita here?" She joked and started messing with his hair, probably her favorite thing, weird, but James was like a puppy, and how can you resist lovin on a puppy?