" I can tell, hows shark been doing since I last saw em?" she asked glancing sideways to peer at the young snow leopard and scanning him over for any signs of being unhealthy or injured.
Shark refused to look at anyone, staring at James's feet. James pauses, his grin falling. He didn't exactly know what was going on with Shark, just knew that Shark wasn't "feeling himself". He looks at Shark before looking at Raven. "I don't actually know.. He's been quieter than usual."
Raven frowned and slightly shooed James out of the way, she sat down by Shark, her eyes scanning him still, trying to locate the problem. "shark, what's wrong bud? some random stray bothering you?" she asked, her tone oddly, smooth, soothing, not a tone she used much, but she felt it was needed for shark.
James took a step back at being shooed away. He watched the two before kneeling down near the two.
Shark hesitates to speak, laying down and curling up almost against Raven. He tail curls around one leg. He didn't exactly know what to say.
"you can take your time, I'll sit here as long as ya need, did your skin finally clear up?" she asked, both wanting to know, and hoping to ease him into the original question by answering something smaller.
Shark opened his mouth to speak but quickly shut it, looking at James to answer for him. James hesitates but softly smiles. "You can answer her, it doesn't have to be a big sentence." Shark paused but still refused to look at anyone as he quietly spoke. "Little.."
"ok, I'll get to the vets office to get you a stronger one" she said and lifted her hand and pointed away when fawn bounded over, fawn promptly turned and walked away again. "why so quiet huh? you used to be happy to insult someone when you were atiny gremlin" she said, trying to get him out of his shell, with a different tactic, had something happened? Was he depressed about his brother? No, he didn't seem to even like ice, just sad? someone hurt him? no one better of hurt one of MY babies!
Shark went to speak but didn't, looking at James for an answer. But James didn't even know what was wrong, so he wasn't much help. He sits up, still looking at the ground. "I don't wanna be mean anymore"
"then don't be mean sweetie, even I've been mean, doesn't define ya" she replied soothingly, hey, to be fair, she'd been in terror the majority of her life, actually, so had a lot of her friends, probably a relation there.. Anyway