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Chaotic nights (priv rp with freaky freaks)

Posted 6 days ago
Shark pauses, hesitating to speak. But when he does, it has the undertone of panic. "Did they hate us?! I am the reason why." He cowers back against the ground. His ears dropping down while his tail curls around one of his legs.
James soon is back, holding a rather tired looking Brutus. He gently drops Brutus and turns to Silver, probably wanting to play with the cub while Brutus just.. does what he does best. Brutus walks over to Raven and Shark, a little confused.


Posted 6 days ago
"you pups are so easy to think the worst, or well cub in your case" she sighed. "no Shark, its impossible to hate you, or silver- or ice" she said, hesitating before she added ice, still felt needed to say, she still felt bad about that.. Kinda her fault, she wasn't watching-  stop it Raven, your being just as bad as a pup she scolded with a slight shake of her head. Then she returned to looking at shark, "Shark, you are not to ever, and I mean ever, blame yourself for your parents decision, if, it was anyone's fault, it was their own for not staying, but because they didn't, now you have James, you have Brutus, you have me, and you have ever other animal here, you have an entire pack of wolves that would rip apart a hundred coyotes to keep you safe, do you understand?" she spoke firmly, she wasn't gonna let him do the thing she had done for far too long.

Silver was watching Shark, she had stopped playing, she looked like she really wanted to go over, but she didn't, because currently, shark didn't seem to ever want her affection, no matter how many times she tried to give it, maybe one day.. She did, look over at James for the moment, her tail swishing back and forth, similar to how a dog wags its tail, speaking of dogs, Saturn was being the wonderful gaurdian she is, fawn was playing with the not so tiny kitten.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 6 days ago
Shark looks over at Raven, going to disagree, but he couldn't find the right argument or words. "I guess you're right.. I'm happy to have you all around, even if I don't show or say it much.." He stands up, only to shuffle closer to Raven, against her as he curls back up. Brutus smiled as he jumps in, snuggling on the other side of Shark. "Of course Raven's right! We're like an army."

James grins at Silver, doing the classic playful bow. He lets out a small bark, tail wagging as his ears perk straight up. He was ready to play, if Silver wanted to. But then again, he could just pick up Silver and drop her off near Shark.. Nah, not yet anyways


Posted 6 days ago
"Good, we can try being nice when you feel you can, just, maybe don't hold off till I'm to old to actually see it" she chuckled and shifted to wolf form, curling around the two, she turned her head for a moment to look at James with a flicker of amusement, before she put her head down.

Silver looked at shark for a few more seconds, before mimicking James, though, instead of a bark, she made a meow like sound, which raven found freaking adorable.

(wow, I've missed these guys so much XD)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 6 days ago
Shark hesitates but lets himself purr, content. Brutus loved this, it was nice, the cuddles. He found himself growing energetic though, wanting to play rather than snuggle up.

James barks again, though he tried to make it sound a meow. It sounded..well horrible. There was no hiding it. But as long as he was having fun. He jumps up, playfully nudging Silver as if to start a play fight.

(They are so cute, and how us two started rping as well-)


Posted 6 days ago

Silver, now fully focused on James, darted forward and pounced at his side, her claws didn't actually poke him, just climbed on his fur, she wasn't even heavy enough to pull that much, she was bigger, not that much though.

(Yeah, I think I was just getting a bit bored of all the others XD)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 6 days ago
Brutus jumps out from the small cuddle pile, before trying to urge Shark to do the same.

James, making sure to be gentle, tries to nip at Silver. He was quick to catch himself when he almost trips due the sudden extra weight, but he didn't care. He ducks down, laying against the ground as if to give Silver the high-ground in this


Posted 6 days ago
raven sat up slightly at the movement, then nudged Shark "go play with James and silver, think of it as a quest if you wish" she suggested.

Silver playfully growled pretending to bit and claw the wolf below her, she was beaming, even her tail somewhat swished back and forth similar to that of a dog or wolf.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 6 days ago
Shark looks back at Raven before standing up and slowly walking over to Silver and James. He stayed close to Brutus, who stood by his side, ready to play.

James rolls onto his back, pulling SIlver so she was on his chest between his paws. He barks and bites her back, small light bites that probably just leave saliva behind.


Posted 6 days ago
Silver wriggled around, eventually getting away from him, and almost falling right on Shark, who she jumps back away from and just, stares at, trying to figure out if he had been possessed to get within 2 feet of her, her tail still swished, and she looked kinda hopeful maybe he and Brutus just want to play with James? or maybe- both of us? don't get your hopes up silver!

Raven watched,  her body still curled, similar to a mother wolf watching her pups play.

Ghost of the lost

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