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Chaotic nights (priv rp with freaky freaks)

Posted 5 days ago
Brutus steps closer to Silver, offering comfort in a way. He wanted to go check on Shark, but Silver needed comfort too.

Shark curls up, upset. "I think I scare her. It also didn't feel..right.. it was weird." He calms down just a bit when James jumps from Raven to Shark, curling around him


Posted 5 days ago
Silver frowned still, not sure if she should try and pull him back over to play, or leave him alone-

Raven sighed and looked over at silver then at the two "baby, the difference between fear, and care is much bigger then ya think, if she was scared, she would be hiding, she just standing there, looking rather disappointed in my opinion- don't ya think maybe shes worried she will hurt you? she couldn't play with you before because of your skin, maybe she doesn't know its a bit better?" she said, her head slightly tilting as she thought of more to say, "its weird because you have never played with her, and shes not a rough as say, you and Brutus, you want a more rough playmate, go to Saturn" she chuckled

Ghost of the lost

Posted 4 days ago
Brutus looks back at Shark, running over while ready to nag him.

Shark looks at Raven. "I-" He struggles for words, looking over at Silver. "Why would she care for me? I hurt her." He pauses, thinking before looking at Brutus. "I think I might just play with Brutus.."
Brutus huffed. "Nu uh! You're playing with Silver!" He forcefully grabs Shark by the scruff, trying to drag him back over to her


Posted 4 days ago
"Because she's your sister, and also your the only sibling she has, so wether you want it or not, she's gonna care about you, and she gonna love you" she replied firmly, and gave a rather approving look to Brutus.

Silver was just standing there, silently staring, rather sadly

Ghost of the lost

Posted 4 days ago
"She shouldn't" Shark hisses as he tries to pull away from Brutus, though he doesn't get far as he's dragging to be in front of Silver. Brutus let him go, but as soon as Shark moves to get away, he almost pounces on him to keep him there


Posted 4 days ago
"Well she does" Raven replied satirically

Silver blinked at the current chaos "he doesn't have to play with me if he doesn't want to Brutus" she said after a couple seconds, she didn't want to force shark into a game he didn't wanna play.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 4 days ago
"He's scared." Brutus smiles, earning a hiss from Shark. "I am not scared! Being scared means weakness, I am not weak" Shark quickly moves, tossing Brutus off of him and pouncing at him. Brutus laughed, running to hide behind Silver. "Come on, Silver! Play!"


Posted 4 days ago
"Being scared keeps you safe, but sometimes being unsafe is-" she started and stopped when Brutus bolted behind her "I am not the one to hid behind!" She giggled jumping sideways out of sharks way.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 4 days ago
Brutus stands up tall, only to be tackled by Shark. "Help!" He cries, squirming and trying to get away from Shark. Shark hisses and bites Brutus, though making sure to not hurt him. He smiles, a small but genuine smile


Posted 4 days ago
Without actually thinking about it, silver pounced, she was smaller then shark, but her weight would still unbalance him even if it was just a little.

Raven was fucking beaming like a proud parent

Ghost of the lost

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