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Chaotic nights (priv rp with freaky freaks)

Posted 10 hours ago
Still. James watches Raven, not moving as Brutus had stayed to rest on his back

Anya kept moving, tracking and pinpointing a rabbit as her ears narrow on it.

(Who would you like her to meet?)


Posted 10 hours ago
Pacing around cus why not?

Sitting in a tree, not to far from ravens home

(Hm, well, meeting Raven could go either way, more likely a fight, that would go wrong very fast, girls protected asf, but that would give wren a chance to enter and probably stop the fight)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 10 hours ago
Still playing and watching.

Anya was quick to pounce on the rabbit, killing it in her claws. She cuts the rabbit open, using her claws to rip off chunks and eat it.

(We could do that, if you want to?)


Posted 10 hours ago


(Hmmm, ok you gotta make a decision, because I can't, do YOU want to do that?)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 10 hours ago
Watching and playing

Eating rabbit

(Kinda, yeah..?)


Posted 9 hours ago
Raven paused, her ear twitching, she had a bad feeling, and she listened to her feelings so.. she turned "alright, everyone inside, playtime is over, get some rest, drink water" she said with a slight edge to her tone, it was probably nothing, but she had felt the same about many other things, no more chances.

Silver whined about it but huffed and heading to the cabin, the kitten, and both dogs followed.

Wren was hanging out in the tree still

(Ok then, let's do it! Also, love ravens intuition)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 9 hours ago
Brutus and Shark perk up, looking at each other before back at Raven. "Why inside?" Brutus was the one to speak up, falling off of James and into a stretch. James sits up, confused as he now starts to look around.

Ayna soon finishes the rabbit, blood now covering her face and hands. She shakes, letting her fur drip the blood onto the ground. She wipes her bloodly hands on her jumper, she could always steal another anyways.

(Hell yeah! Raven is good at this)


Posted 9 hours ago
"Just go in" she said shaking out her fur, she trotted over, nudging both towards the cabin, trying to shoo them in, then she turned and headed for the mare and foal, she shifted to human mid step, getting the foal in the shed. She couldn't put em both in the same spot, so she left the mare in the pen, hovering by the fence, she wasn't positive what she was so worried about-

Ghost of the lost

Posted 9 hours ago
Shark and Brutus look at James before running inside, confused but listening anyways. James was still looking around. "Raven, what's going on?" He looks at Raven, turning to his human form.


Posted 9 hours ago
Raven just kinda stood there "I'm- not to sure?" She replied, she felt kinda stupid, maybe it was just a false alarm?

(Me just patiently waiting for gremlin to appear)

Ghost of the lost

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