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Chaotic nights (priv rp with freaky freaks)

Posted 9 hours ago (edited)
James nods, but he pauses and looks around. "Maybe that-?" He points towards the trees, seeing a shadow glaring at them.

Anya, the being the shadows glaring at them, didn't know what to think about them. Well, she knew she wanted them dead for sure. Can't hurt her when dead.

(My bad-)


Posted 9 hours ago
"Yep probably that, maybe that won't be a problem and I didn't have to do all that- ok but the expression on the eyes, seems pretty violent, ya think?" She said shifting on her feet and staring back at the eyes

Wren was just walking

Ghost of the lost

Posted 8 hours ago
James nods. He turns his wolf form and slowly backs away. But that seems to be the wrong thing to do as Anya growls and launches herself at him. James jumped to the side, immediately moving to Raven. "Whoops-?"


Posted 8 hours ago
When the very- large wolf looking creature went for HER James, okay maybe she got a little mad, because she shifted to, and slammed into them with an angered snarl, only backing off to get next to James again, ears pinned, it was bigger then her yes, but she was still big to, and no WAY was someone hurting James and getting away with it!

Wren paused, was she hearing things? or did she hear like a snarl?

Ghost of the lost

Posted 8 hours ago
James hides behind Raven, cowering.
Anya growls. Her ears pin back, tail falling stiff as she stalks closer to the two. "Die, mortal." She pounces at Raven, snapping her teeth. She may be a mortal herself, but she always ignored it.


Posted 8 hours ago
"oh wow, this girl from a movie or sum?" she said, partly to herself, if your smaller, you use it, and she did, ducking down and bolting past Anya snapping at her heels for a couple seconds, gosh did she hate fighting, who knows how fast back ups gonna fucking spawn in, back up being.. well, a group that all at once, would probably kill, whatever this is, probably-?

Wren tilted her head, nope, definitely there, AND coming from ravens house? what was happening? wait what was a human gonna do? no matter! She started towards the sounds, speeding through the trees like weeee

Ghost of the lost

Posted 8 hours ago
Anya lifts her paw up, only to stomp it back down, kicking up a small amount of dirt. Her ears perk up, hearing someone else coming. She growls and snaps at Raven, ignoring the newcomer. "You all need to die."


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