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Warriors; A new World [BLAZECLAN RP]

Posted 2024-12-30 07:16:14
NightWish - Female - Medicine Cat - Mentions: RaggedStar, Losteyes (Direct) Everyone else (Indirect)

NightWish smiled at RaggedStar from her spot in front of the healers den. With him was Losteyes. NightWish liked her. Her stomach growled. She walked over to the fresh kill pal where a bunch of her clan meets with socializing. She grabbed the plump mouse and started to eat.

Posted 2024-12-30 08:08:52 (edited)
Owlglare | she/her | medicine cat | mentions: Nightwish, Troutpelt

Owlglare grabs a mouse off the pile, then another one as she spots Troutpelt sitting alone.

She makes her way over to the elder, dipping her head respectfully, and asks, "Care to share a meal with me?"


Posted 2024-12-30 08:14:42
RaggedStar - Male (He/Him) - Leader - Mentions: NIghtWish (IND) LostEyes (DIR)

RaggedStar nodded his head at NightWish before glancing toward LostEyes. "Morning, LostEyes. Are you ready to assign patrols with me? I'll do it with you for the first few days, so you get used to it."

RustHowl - Female (She/They) - Warrior - Mentions: N/A

RustHowl licked her paw, drawing it over her head before standing up and padding out of the den.

💔The Prince of Hearts💔

Posted 2024-12-30 19:11:33 (edited)
Losteyes - She/Her - Deputy
Losteyes nodded in agreement before asking "Are you sure this is the right idea, making me deputy even though I'm" she hesitated for a moment before saying "I'm blind?"

Troutpelt - he/him - elder - mentions: owlglare
Troutpelt smiles "Of course, it isn't often that I get visited from the medicine cat, anything I  can do for you?" He said as he started to eat the mouse.


Posted 2024-12-30 19:36:56
(Anyone wanna be friends/any relations with ShellEar/BlackWhisper? The link to the page their CS is on link)

LemonTree |The Best Zest

Posted 2024-12-31 08:37:08
RaggedStar - He/Him - Leader

RaggedStar nodded. "Of course. Your blindness doesn't make you any less good than the other warriors. And you've already gained their trust." He drew a paw over his ear. "Now, are you ready to assign patrols?"

💔The Prince of Hearts💔

Posted 2024-12-31 09:07:24
Owlglare | she/her | medicine cat | mentions: Troutpelt

Owlglare laughs as she settles down next to Troutpelt. "That's funny, most elders I see complain that they see the medicine cat too much! But I guess you've always been in tip-top shape, even before you retired. Had anything interesting happen to you lately? Overheard any juicy gossip?"


Posted 2024-12-31 10:40:34
NightWish - Female - Medicine Cat - Mentions: RustHowl (Direct) Everyone else (Indirect)

NightWish wiggles her tail at RustHowl, signaling her to come join her. "Hungry?" She asks with a smile (or cat equivalent)

Posted 2024-12-31 13:42:44
BlackWhisper He/Him - Warrior

He walked into camp, a limp songbird in his mouth, could be better- but could be a lot worse.

He carefully placed it into the prey pile, sitting down in the outskirts of camp, eyeing is clanmates. RaggedStar and Losteyes are talking- looks like troutpelt and Owlglare are also busy. Nightwish is eating.. I should probably go back out for another hunt soon. I wonder what the apprentices are doing. I wonder what TawnyWhisker is doing. His tail flicked, and he slowly lowered himself to the ground, resting and watching.

LemonTree |The Best Zest

Posted 2024-12-31 19:13:26
Losteyes - She/Her - Deputy - Mentions: Raggedstar
Losteyes briefly smiled before saying "Yes." With a newfound confidence, she stood up, being careful not to step on any paws.


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