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Warriors; A new World [BLAZECLAN RP]

Posted 2025-01-16 18:50:07
Owlglare | she/her | medicine cat

Owlglare nodded. "That's exactly what I've always said. If your paws want to follow a certain path, then StarClan already knows of it. They wouldn't make anything happen that they didn't agree with."


Posted 2025-01-16 18:52:49 (edited)
ShellEar  She/Her - Warrior

She grinned, "exactly! Dang, OwlGlare, what would I do without a friend like you backing me up?"

LemonTree |The Best Zest

Posted 2025-01-17 07:56:37

The she-cat cat growled. I may be a senior warrior, but I still hear like a hawk." They glanced at the brown tom, leading him through the forest.

🔥Rogue Wildfires🔥

Posted 2025-01-17 14:28:32
SableStar He/Him - MoonClan Leader

"Congratulations, want a hare?" He meowed sarcastically, tired of walking.

LemonTree |The Best Zest

Posted 2025-01-17 16:08:29
Owlglare | she/her | medicine cat

Owlglare laughed, giving her chest fur a self-conscious lick. "More like the other way around! Who else would agree to go out and find tansy with the medicine cats? Most of the warriors would have said no."


Posted 2025-01-17 16:11:07
ShellEar  She/Her - Warrior

"Oh, please, BlackWhisper would've happily obliged. Probably would've found it such an honor." She giggled, her ears twitching slightly at the wind.

LemonTree |The Best Zest

Posted 2025-01-17 16:26:03
Owlglare | she/her | medicine cat

"Oh, him," Owlglare purrs, rolling her eyes. "Well, he'd only accompany me because I'm a medicine cat. You'll accompany me because I'm Owlglare. That's why I always ask you." She lays her tail over Shellear's flank briefly, smiling.


Posted 2025-01-17 16:28:00
ShellEar  She/Her - Warrior

Her fur prickled slightly, but she stayed put. "Hey, two for one right?" She grinned, "I'd rather hang out with OwlGlare than with any other cat."

LemonTree |The Best Zest

Posted 2025-01-17 16:58:37
Owlglare | she/her | medicine cat

Owlglare throws her tail over her back and poses dramatically. "Well, of course...I am the coolest cat of the whole Clan...but seriously, at least now we have tansy. I worry about not having enough yarrow if one of the kits or apprentices - or even warriors - eat deathberries, and tansy is always a good option." She frowns, then realizes she's fretting.

Owlglare grins at Shellear again. "Well, at least now we're prepared!"


Posted 2025-01-17 17:05:02
ShellEar  She/Her - Warrior 

She held back a laugh at the shecats pose, "well, if you ever needed anything, good ol' curved ears is right there waiting." She smiled, running a paw over the characteristic that granted her name.

LemonTree |The Best Zest

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