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Warriors; A new World [BLAZECLAN RP]

Posted 2025-01-22 05:57:35
BlackWhisper He/Him - Warrior

"No matter what you have to share, I will always listen," he smiled, "I will not make you continue, but I'd very much like you to."

LemonTree |The Best Zest

Posted 2025-01-22 06:51:41

The black tom sighed, then dipped his head in agreement. "Thank you. And you can pick who stands guard tonight." He said, stepping into his nest.

💔The Prince of Hearts💔

Posted 2025-01-22 15:28:25
LostEyes - She/her - deputy - mentions: Shellear, Rusthowl
LostEyes nodded and walked out of the den grateful that Raggedstar did not argue, she picked the duck she had pounced on earlier. She went to the warriors den, and scented Shellear sitting peacefully she called "Shellear, could you stand guard by the leaders den tonight? And give this duck to Raggedstar." LostEyes was eager to take a break, she bounded into the clearing and could smell a tangle of scents BlackWhisker sitting with Troutpelt and Rusthowl sitting alone she sidled up to her "Hello, how was the border patrol?" She said almost to herself.

Troutpelt - he/him - elder
Troutpelt nodded, he was thankful BlackWhisker was so empathic. He took a deep breath in and continued "My childhood home was in a forest with a great big river flowing through and many smaller streams, perfect for any kits to learn to swim. I was named 'Fish' and my sister was named 'Opal' we would play together, and have fun. We only had a mother, as our father left us. We didn't live in a clan, more of a village with no leader. It was great until I stumbled upon the clans, I fell in love. She taught me the clan ways, I gave myself the name 'Troutpelt' so she could feel safer, even though she knew I was a rogue. Then greencough hit my village, my mother and sister died leaving me with the message to find somewhere else to live. I couldn't live in her clan so we went to an area some where around this camp, many other survivors with us, but they all died, not knowing how to survive. It was just me and her till she died of a heart attack. When Raggedstar arrived, I was at my worst self, but they gave me hope. And here I am now acting as if you were a kit and telling stories." He sighed and swished his tail back and forth.


Posted 2025-01-22 15:38:09

MallowToe turned. "BranchPaw, probably be heading back. We're starting to crouch on the next border patrols line. Besides, I'm slightly interested to see what that cat had to say." He smiles and walks back to camp. "Should probably get you back to your mentor anyway. Can't steal you forever."

Posted 2025-01-22 15:39:02
ShellEar  She/Her - Warrior

Her ears swiveled over towards her name, "of course!" She grinned, grabbing the duck and padding over to the leaders den.

BlackWhisper He/Him - Warrior

"Your sorrows are not just a vivid memory, TroutPelt, they are history, what was once alive and what is to be taught. Your past must've been so painful for you, to feel what you have felt all at once would be torture, to go through that at a young age must've been even worse. Living what you have lived through has made you strong, not only physically, but mentally, your strength is what I and many others cats admire. Your past is pain for you, but to me it is a beautiful story of your life." He smiled, his tail curling up beside him, giving a gentle flick every few seconds.

LemonTree |The Best Zest

Posted 2025-01-23 02:02:38
Troutpelt - he/him - Elder
He smiled "If I didn't know better I'd say you are a wise elder yourself." He said chuckling "But in truth I thankyou for saying that, I feel it something I have been needing to hear for a while." Troutpelt looked up at the sky, it was quite dark, "I must go to sleep soon thankyou." He added before padding back to his den.


Posted 2025-02-24 13:50:49
The tortoiseshell female stretched before padding out into the camp clearing gazing around and made her way to the prey pile as she stomach growled.

(Gotta get this clan more active!)

Posted 2025-02-24 14:06:08
Active? Works well.. this is the clan uni and dos live by..)


After she had returned to the shared den, and found Ebony fully safe, the two had shared the grouse and went out on a walk. Kestrel behind a bit worried and on edge after the last interaction with a clan cat, was looking around like she expected someone to attack. Meanwhile ebony, was just peacefully padding along tail swishing against the ground.

Ghost of the lost

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