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A place to vent and to feel better.

A place to vent and to feel better.
Posted 2024-12-27 11:35:41
If you are reading this, and feeling upset and want to vent, you come to the right place.

If you are not going to vent, still you are in the right place, if you're feeling down, there is someone there for you, and to make you fell better as well, as I always say. you'll never know the impact you make on others until you're gone.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2024-12-27 22:34:31
Dang it, I've heard those last words a hundred times but I still doubt…


Posted 2025-02-22 10:24:33
Never doubt, it could be devastating to you. If you let it control your life, that's where it's devastating.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2025-02-22 21:55:26
It's so hard to live in the city and go to school with a service dog. I don't mind people noticing, of course they will notice. But people taking pictures, recording, and physically harassing me and my dog, takes place every day.

Painter's Cave

Posted 2025-02-23 07:15:15
That's rough. Sorry that happens. If I was there, I'll be your friend in front of everyone.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2025-02-23 07:20:41 (edited)
I have a friend with the same problem about service dogs. I will protect both my friend, and you (Painter's Cave), if I need to-

I have made a thread for the LGBTQ+ community, but I'm still going to say this

I am Aro/Ace, and the amount of people who tell me it's 'just a faze' or I 'haven't found the right person yet' is annoying as heck. I'm just trying to be myself, and yet, there are a huge number of people who have some mean or hurtful comment about it. I get there are religions, and that some people are unable to support the LGBTQ+ community, but they don't have to hate the community for being themselves!


Posted 2025-02-23 12:28:22
Thanks guys, the support means everything to me.

Do you guys have advice for how to handle public harassment?

It's the hardest part for me in my daily life to deal with as I have PTSD and dissociate often, unable to zone in on the harassment sometimes. It's one of the disabilities my dog is trained to help me with, along with low blood sugar (where I can pass out if my sugar gets too low) and my life threatening sesame/tree nut allergies.

I can speak up, confidence is not an issue for me, but i struggle with what I'm supposed to say to people who verbally harass me and my dog. I wish I had someone with me to help stand up for my rights, but I have no friends irl. The people who've tried to be my friends only were in it for my dog, and were incredibly upset/misunderstanding about why they were not allowed to interact with my dog. Especially because he's a beagle he gets more harassment, probably cause he's not the typical service dog breeds like Labrador, German shepherd, etc. but his scenting ability is what makes him perfect for the tasks I need and that's why I chose a beagle as my service dog.

Painter's Cave

Posted 2025-02-23 13:56:35
Ah, i see. If we ever meet, I would be a friend not because of the dog, but because of who you are. We are here for a reason. Our reasons might be different., we could still have oppression of different things. Though oppression of who you are,  that's just able to stand. But for faith, that's different.

petal the forsetwing

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