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Question about combo marks

Question about combo marks
Posted 2024-12-29 11:41:41
I'm trying to breed selunia combo marks and had a question about how to set it up.  I have two sources that are conflicting.  The wiki says that if you have two marks of compatible color and different shape, and one of those combo shapes exists, you can get the combo.  But the wolvden announcement references that if you "breed luna points with selene points in the same slot, you could get lucky and get selunia points in that slot!"

Basically if I breed selene lupos with luna points, first is it possible?  I have confirmed that both combo shapes exist in wardrobe.  Second, what kind of odds would I be facing (an estimate will do)?  For reference I have read that the rate of directly passing a mark is 50% (there are nuances I know but it's essentially 50% either through one wolf or split between two).

Here are the wolves in question:

Howling Fox

Posted 2024-12-29 12:40:52
No, I believe it has to be the same mark (like Luna point and Selene points both in slot 10 for example) in order to get it.
Morning Glory (Ray)

Posted 2024-12-29 13:14:36 (edited)
You don't need to have the same shape exactly. Here's a pup who got a Selunia Lupos marking from parents with Selene Lupos and Luna Smudge Heavy. The pup would have had the chance of getting Selunia Smudge Heavy as well.

I don't believe any pass rates for combo markings are known or calculated, but it's pretty minuscule.
Mel 🏜️

Posted 2024-12-29 13:33:10

Howling Fox

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