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Posted 2020-09-25 10:14:31 (edited)

i know fish may seem boring! but don’t be fooled. they’re actually super complex and unique! i thought surely someone else on here would be as fascinated with fish keeping as i am. i currently have four tanks in my bedroom, and a whole bunch of fish!

my biggest tank is a 30 gallon with a large variety of fish, frogs, and i’m setting up a betta sorority today. i also have 3 male bettas in separate tanks - all of appropriate sizes. betta fish are super complex and require proper care. some betta can even live with other fish, but it really depends on the personality of your betta. 

my main male betta lived with guppies, mollies, loaches, danio... all that. in the 30 gallon. however, he’s going blind due to poor genetics so i’m moving him into a 2.5!

tell me about y’all’s fish! or just talk about fish here, haha. i love fishkeeping!


Posted 2020-09-25 16:02:33 (edited)

This is awesome! <3

I'm a giant betta breeder and have some babies who are currently 3 weeks old <3

I have one pair so far, both in their own 5 gals with a mystery snail each as a friend :D Their babies are currently in a 10 gal.

I have two more 5 gals and I'm going to be getting a giant halfmoon pair sometime soon for those! 

Here is my pair, Lunala and Kyogre <3



Posted 2020-09-25 16:19:58 (edited)

oh wow, they’re beautiful! i’ve always wanted to breed bettas but i know it’s so complex. is there anything i should know? or should i avoid that altogether? i just finished putting my sorority together. i’ve got

- a half blind white dumbo 

- blue and red veil tails

- a red and white crown tail.


Posted 2020-09-25 16:24:00

Make sure you know for sure that you have people interested in buying your bettas or else you will be stuck with maybe 100+ babies...

Make sure they are healthy in a genetic way and obviously pretty! :P

It isn't as difficult as I thought to breed them actually, you just have to do a ton of research!

I'd recommend checking out cause thats where I went to learn how to breed :) It's a forum and the people are very helpful and there is a TON of information!


Posted 2020-09-25 16:25:45

oo thank you! i definitely want to breed my main male betta, and i have some good LFS that might be interested in some betta fry. he’s a koi plakat and i think it would be cool to breed him to one of the female bettas so that i can have a legacy to remember him by!


Posted 2020-09-25 16:28:48

Koi's are always so pretty :D

That's a really good idea! I'm def going to keep one of my pairs babies <3


Posted 2020-09-25 16:31:12

he is!! when i got him he was white and with care he’s literally changed colors and gotten so much larger


Posted 2020-09-29 15:17:59

I had a blind beta fish a few years ago, though in his case he was born blind. He was a very fun fish because he rarely hid and his bubble nests were clumps all over the place vs. a solid "nest".

Right now I'm down to one 13 gal tank with some Rasboras and a sole Rummynose tetra. The tetra was from a tank we 'retired' a few months ago but he's doing pretty well schooling with the Rasbora. I want to add a betta or gourami in soon but I'm trying to sort out some algea problems first. I cleared out all the blue-green but now I have green hair algea...

I'd love to do a giant tank someday with angel fish but we have a massive turtle and I can't handle two large tanks at once!


Posted 2020-09-29 15:23:02

I freakin LOVE fish. 

I worked at a petsmart for two years and ended up doing a TON of research into fish and really falling in love with them, which is part of the reason I left that job (got my heart broken by bad fish parents too many times).

I love all fish but betta and goldfish are my favourites. I dont have any right now, since my current house is a little too small, but hopefully in the next year or two I'll get a 40gal for a pair of fantails. ^^


Posted 2020-09-29 15:38:06

So, I got into reptiles around late 2016. 

Reptiles kind of devolved into fish as well.

I’m looking towards upgrading my corn snake to a pvc enclosure so I can use the 20 gallon long tank to house some fish. I’m thinking maybe just a betta? I’ve researched quite a lot on bettas and I think I am ready to bear the responsibility of everything they may need. I’m still a bit confused on the types of bettas there are, but I hope to gain more knowledge soon.

I won’t be getting a betta within the next month though. I want to make sure that I am fully prepared.


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