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Mutation Population Statistics (1-4-25)

Mutation Population Statistics (1-4-25)
Posted 2025-01-05 20:02:36 (edited)

I got interested in figuring this out after looking for piebalds and easily finding many good Biewer for sale but almost no Frontal or Uneven. This could be useful for choosing a stud or starting a breeding project. Maybe motivate people to breed more high stat Frontal and Uneven! Will be updated monthly according to my ability to remember.

Genetic Mutation Population: Total- Does not record past 10,000
Only including Brachycephaly here since all are the same age. Not including spontaneous mutations since those don't reflect trends in popularity.

Albinism: Over 10,000
Melanism: Over 10,000
Piebald Torn: Over 10,000
Piebald Uneven: 9,946
Patches Split: 7,020
Piebald Biewer: 5,364
Patches Mottled: 4,910
Piebald Frontal: 2,980
Brachycephaly: 1,093
Piebald Zerdava: 898
Hereditary Cataracts: 639
Patches Pointed: 622
Piebald Dalmatian: 437
Piebald Dip: 319

Genetic Mutation Population: Living- Over 10,000
Who is still around to contribute to the gene pool? Wolves 7 years/6 months and younger.

Albinism: Over 10,000
Melanism: Over 10,000
Piebald Torn: Over 10,000
Piebald Uneven: 9,854
Patches Split: 6,970
Piebald Biewer: 5,319
Patches Mottled: 4,867
Piebald Frontal: 2,961
Piebald Zerdava: 898
Hereditary Cataracts: 632
Patches Pointed: 622
Piebald Dalmatian: 437
Piebald Dip: 319

Never knew that wolf searches end at 500 pages. Makes it impossible to calculate percentages. For older mutations I'm surprised the total-to-living numbers are so close. I would guess that wolves not saved in dynasties and inactive accounts obscure a more accurate understanding of popularity.

What is your experience with breedable mutations?
Albino: Used to have one. I now have my first carrier, who could give me some G4 albinos.
Brachycephaly/Cataracts/Patches: Not interested.
Melanism: Never had one.
Piebald: My favorite. Biewer- 1. Dalmatian- 2. Dip- 1. Frontal- 0.  Torn- 2. Uneven- 0. Zerdava- 1.

🍂 Leonca 🐆

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