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Supernatural Sanctuary: Magical Lives

Posted 2025-01-16 07:31:13
Comet - mutt dog - age: 28? - location: pet shop playroom - Tags: Aisha and Eire
Comets tail started to wag eagerly at the thought of fresh meat. Not the one asha was eating, but the bird that perched above.


Posted 2025-01-16 07:31:35
Eire smirks. "If you're eating anything, it'll be the food they give you. But John knows how to take care of and provide enrichment for any animal. Don't be surprised if he puts wild rats in your pen to hunt. Probably the ones that cause issues or bite." He says.  "For either of ya."
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2025-01-16 07:33:47
Comet - mutt dog - age: 28? - location: pet shop playroom - Tags: Aisha and Eire
Comets muzzle scrunched, not sure why though. "We should just break out of here." The mutt grumbled.


Posted 2025-01-16 07:35:51
Aisha(guardian/Asha)-She/her-Tiger(normal)-human age:23 ish-Location:pet shop-Tags:eire,Comet

"ha, they try to feed me rats, and I'll eat them instead" she said scrunching her nose at Eire. Bird tastes m u c h better then RATS!

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2025-01-16 07:36:22
Eire shrugs. "Or just get adopted. That is the point of this place. That's what John wants. But people don't come here too often, usually arriving in town with pets or just not wanting any pets. And who would want a tiger anyway? They're too big to be lap cats. And no one can find a box large enough for one." He says.
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2025-01-16 07:38:02
Aisha(guardian/Asha)-She/her-Tiger(normal)-human age:23 ish-Location:pet shop-Tags:eire,Comet

"I'd rather die then be a lap cat" she mused "but I could rip apart intruders, or just be pretty and exotic" she shrugged. Oh yeah no she hated that second one, but oh well. Ripping apart intruders sounds interesting though.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2025-01-16 07:39:11
Ava Parker - hooman - age: 20 - location: pet shop  - tags: Alice

When the other worker had turned her head, Ava slipped down a hallway unnoticed. Close one.

Comet - mutt dog - age: 28? - location: pet shop playroom - Tags: Aisha and Eire
"Well, so far my last human hated me." She snapped, wanting the topic to end.


Posted 2025-01-16 07:40:53
Aisha(guardian/Asha)-She/her-Tiger(normal)-human age:23 ish-Location:pet shop-Tags:eire,Comet

"wonder what human taste like? probably foul" she mused rolling onto her back tail swishing against the ground.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2025-01-16 07:42:26
Eire chuckles. "They taste salty. The skin, at least, does. I heard a picture box say it's like pork." He says. "But if you attacked a human, you'd be killed for it, kitty."
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2025-01-16 07:44:28
Aisha(guardian/Asha)-She/her-Tiger(normal)-human age:23 ish-Location:pet shop-Tags:eire,Comet

"no one asked you chick" she snorted flicking her tail at him. God this damn bird was annoying, had it nothing better to do but pester?

Ghost of the lost

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