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Online ratio difference between Wolvden and Lio
Online ratio difference between Wolvden and Lio
Posted 2025-01-11 08:37:53
heya! i used to play lioden 4-5 years ago, but with the release of wolvden i've slowly moved. there'd been something missing for me on lioden that would keep me motivated every day. wolvden has always seemed to be more visually and technically advanced to me. however, whenever i come to visit my pretty lionesses time to time, i notice the way lioden online equals at least a thousand players, meanwhile wolv mostly has a couple of hundreds. i am not saying that WD online rate is bad, it is pretty much enough for raffles to be raffled, trates to be traded etc. but i was just wondering.... what is that keeps people away from wolvden? makes them never return? is wolvden missing something to interest people? share your stories and thoughts people!

limikun [hiatus]
Posted 2025-01-11 08:40:16
personally I think the lack of updates and well alot of things,, we dont get alot of updates to say the least and it leaves a lot of things to be wanted and the game gets well boring and all the bugs just make it worst. ofc I roll over daily but I'm mainly here for chat

cool guy
Posted 2025-01-11 12:20:58
I gotta agree w cool guy here, there's not a lot of events in comp w lio, which has events for every month, and then there's wolv w only 4 events out of the whole year: the lunar events, February, October, coigreach, and whatever the crypid scales are for, alongside the advent calendar for dec

Kai Kai