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'Clean Up' Wolvden Group Idea?

Posted 2025-01-13 10:19:15
Did I undertsand it correctly, the suggestion is to befriend 'ugly' nbws and then get rid of them(rechase asap) in order to clean room for pretty and valuable nbws?


Posted 2025-01-13 11:00:02
@Call of the North
That's exactly it! Hopefully in doing so it will increase the chance of meeting R&C/unique wolves


Posted 2025-01-13 12:19:45
This is interesting, but what if, I fear, "potatoes" nbws are being automatically generated to fill the pool? You mentioned that there was some other pet sim game where this method was used?


Posted 2025-01-13 12:37:25
@Call of the North
As I mentioned with Jack's concern, and again correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the chance for meetings basic/starred nbws is separate to finding chased. So I don't think additional basic nbws would be generated. There's so many wolves being chased daily that don't make it through, so surely removing basics would produce the opposite affect, where unique wolves have a better chance of pulling through? Forgive me if I misunderstood. As for the other game, it is very different in where the only ability to get pets are through breeding, so the method I use is very different (being vague on purpose in case there is a rule about mentioning similar games that I've misremembered lol).


Posted 2025-01-13 12:45:22 (edited)
Anyway, if the group will be created, I'm for it.
(I usually fight strong leveled wolves, and pass weak ones. This may change with the new goal of "cleansing" the woods )


Posted 2025-01-13 12:50:30
And one more time, sorry, we should befriend and get rid off unlovely wolves with the falling star, or any nbws?


Posted 2025-01-13 12:56:51
Get rid of unwanted wolves with the falling star - befriending basic nbws that haven't been chased yet doesn't count towards the pool, afaik, and befriending them to chase them will reintroduce them to the chased pool and undermine our efforts to clear them


Posted 2025-01-13 12:59:03
Thanks, I didnt know about the reintroducing thing.


Posted 2025-01-13 13:00:07
Yep! Chased wolves - the ones with the falling star - are wolves that have been chased once. This includes basic nbws that have been befriended and then chased.


Posted 2025-01-14 21:46:59
Sounds like a great idea! I have already been doing something similar myself. There are always TONS of pups in the trade center with prices like 1-5sc per pup that don't usually sell. I buy the pups and use them for training experience for my adult wolves. If no one wants any of the trained wolves for free, then they get chased at adol age(this way they can't enter the chased pool). I also sometimes look for pups under 100sc that have NBW only eyes/marks to chase at adol stage to try and lessen the amount of wolves with those special traits(but I am only one person and can't do it all myself, lol).


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