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Wc rp with blaze (rp)

Wc rp with blaze (rp)
Posted 2025-01-14 11:59:15

Cs thread:link

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2025-01-14 18:55:25
Mumblewhisker sat at the back of the gathering, which had not started yet, by himself, silently looking up at the sky. His twitched back and forth nervously.

Meanwhile, Guststorm sat with a small group of WindClan warriors, who were chatting. He, however, was for the most part staring at the leaders that were quietly talking with each other.

Posted 2025-01-14 19:00:01
Sky wing was sitting Infront of a shadow clan warrior nodding along to what the Tom was saying the black side of her body facing the main amount of cats.

The she was perched on a smaller rock listening intently to other conversations while acting as if she was just relaxing on the still slightly warm rock.Onyx eye glanced up at the sky stars had begun to appear and the moon was rising higher in the sky. Now that all 4 clans were here she expected the leaders to start soon enough.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2025-01-14 19:08:55
Many of the talking cats went silent as a shrill howl pierced the air. While it did not come from the island, or the other end of the fallen tree that allowed the cats to get to the main island, it was still very close by. And immediately after, many more howls joined the first.

Mumblewhisker jumped to his paws, eyes wide.

Posted 2025-01-14 19:12:21
Sky wing-She/her-Rc

Sky wings head tilted at the howling glancing around for her clan mates and moving to stand a bit more where they all were nodding to the shadow clan tom.

Onyx eye-she/her-TC

Onyx eye blinked slowed her eyes flitting to the log then surrounding area noting any possible spots to climb up.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2025-01-14 19:22:40
Guststorm stood, and snarled loudly. "They're going to trap us here- we have to go!"

Butttttttttt it was too late. A few flashes of fur showed from between bushes from the lakeshore, heading straight to the fallen log.

Posted 2025-01-14 19:27:52
Sky wings eyes widened "climb!" she meowed nudging one of her clans apprentices yep the she cats main safety was climb a tree. The apprentice obeyed darting up a tree followed by a few other apprentices and then sky wing.

Onyx eye blinked watching a few cats race up a tree glancing around before launching up a tree as well.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2025-01-14 19:33:34
Mumblewhisker immediately scrambled up a tree- and when a cat followed up behind him, he grabbed their scruff to help pull them up.

Guststorm ran towards a group of apprentices, yelling at the shocked young cats to get a move on, and nudged a couple of them to their paws.

Posted 2025-01-14 19:36:37
Sky wing perched in the tree dragging up a younger thunder clan apprentice and letting them past.

Onyx eye was silently launching from branch to branch moving closer to the fallen tree where the wolves were already crossing. She moved lower and started hissing and meowing to catch their attention keeping just out of reach.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2025-01-14 19:40:00
The wolves started crossing the log. There was too many to count. Definitely fewer wolves than cats, but y'know. They're wolves. lol. stronk.

Guststorm was underneath a tree, nudging the last of that group of apprentices up into it.

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