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Wolves for Sale (Plenty of T3s & low-gens)

Wolves for Sale (Plenty of T3s & low-gens)
Posted 2025-02-01 02:52:45 (edited)

✧ Welcome! I'm Haru, but you can call me Max too.

✧ Due to not having enough time to put probably around a 100 wolves up for sale on TC, I decided to make a thread instead. You're free to offer on any wolves in the below listed caves, as well as any unlocked wolves in my den otherwise.

✧ I'd only be looking at currency (SC/GC), Grove applicators (mostly RMAs), event applicators and NBW Argents/Chromiums as swaps for other wolves. You're free to link any wolves you'd like to offer on with your offer, or let me quote you a price I feel would be fair (always happy to negotiate)

✧ You're free to comment or PM me with wolves and/or offers, and I'll be sure to get back to you in a day or two, depending on if I roll that day (if I haven't rolled before 6AM Wolvden time, I likely won't be on that day).

Adols & Adults
R&C Cave
(will take lower offers for R&C wolves; all chased at 1 year old)

✧ I mainly breed Mono Lights, so a lot of the T3s are Argents and Chromiums. I do also have a couple Mono Darks (Iridium/Slate/Iron) and an occasional Cool Dark (Blueschist/Apex mostly) and Muted Medium (Badger/ as well.
✧ There are a few muties, mostly Albinism mutation & carriers, and a couple Melanism mutation & carriers!
✧ Most wolves will be G2 or G3, with a few G4s. None should be inbred.

T3 NBWs for Sale
Corrundum yearling
Bone Seal yearling
Dark Eclipse Realgar yearling
Chromium 2 years
Zircon 3 years
Corrundum 3 years
Slate 4 years
Iron 4 years
Carapace Realgar 5 years
Caribou 5 years
Puma Zircon 5 years

✧ Thank you for looking over my thread, and possibly offering!


Posted 2025-02-11 16:32:30
Oh my goodness, I am in LOVE with the NBW Grulla. Is he available? I can do apps, gc, whatever you'd like :) just let me know!

Posted 2025-02-11 16:36:45
yeah, he's available! I mostly prefer GC, but am okay with apps too. feel free to make an offer! judging by the TC, under 2y Grullas seem to not have a buyout price set, so I'm sort of uncertain of his average price, but I imagine above 15GC would be appropriate to his age and the markings he has.

thank you for your interest


Posted 2025-02-11 16:38:37
I can do an RMA and 20gc? As for apps I have -
Eye: Bone , Orchid, Luciferin
Vase: Clover

If you'd like either of those I can adjust the GC around but it seemed you were mostly looking for gc and RMA :)

Posted 2025-02-11 16:48:17
a RMA and 20GC sounds well with me! I'll go ahead and set up a private trade!

and yes, I'm definitely going to need GC/RMAs for an upcoming stud, so those are most wanted at the moment


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