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🍃 Trained wolves for packs in need! 🍂

🍃 Trained wolves for packs in need! 🍂
Posted 2025-02-04 02:51:47 (edited)

In need of trained hunters, pupsitters, herbalists, or scouts?

Well look no further. Here, you can get free wolves. All you need to do is ask!


1. Since scouts and herbalists are limited, they might not have as high proficiency.
2. Please do not ask for a wolf if you do not need it or if you are going to sell it
3. If you wanted to keep a wolf temporarily but no longer need it, please send it back to me
4. Not all of my wolves are up for claim, look below to see which ones you can take



Any wolves with 🔒 in their footnote are not available



Role needed:
(Questions to answer:) Will you be keeping the wolf permanently or temporarily? If temporarily, would you like a traveler or not?

Posted 2025-02-05 00:22:16
Role needed: Pupsitter

Reason: Three wolves are pregnant and I don't have enough sitters for all of them. Plus for the current litters.

(Questions to answer:) Will you be keeping the wolf permanently or temporarily? Permanently

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