Posted 2025-02-05 15:58:18
Hullo! Welcome back to Wolvden <3! I hope I can provide some useful answers for you here-
1. Currently the "cool" wolves are combo base wolves. They're a new type of base that came out in November of last year, where you have to breed two specific bases together to have a chance at breeding the combo base. Currently, the only combo bases are lunar, and you have to breed the wolves at night to have a chance at their combo base.
2. Time, money, and a little bit of luck. Good breeding males/studs usually have qualities like a short/no generation, TIII or T* base, special eyes like raffle, NBW, or breed-only eyes, and good desirable markings (typically any marking that cannot be applied via a normal marking applicator or event marking applicator). Depending on if you already have a stud and how old they are, it may be a waiting game unless you get 20GC to retire your current stud (assuming you have one). If you do not have a stud currently, you can invest some time into quests, games, exploring, events, etc. to earn currency to buy a good stud (or maybe you will be lucky enough to find a chased NBW in explore!).
3. Not really. There are many explore encounters that give food, plus hunting has been expanded to have more hunting parties (depending on how many adult wolf territory slots you have) and even a failed hunt now has a chance to bring back a critter carcass. As long as you can explore a few times and hunt a few times, you should be good! Of course though, the larger of a pack you have, the more food you will need, which means more exploring and more hunting.
4. No, not really. You have 3 snake quests you can complete a day (easy, medium, and hard), which can give up to 330SC maximum. You also have Melvin missions, which will give you more SC the longer you complete all 5 quests each day, up to 10 days as the maximum reward you can get. There is fishing, which is limited to up to 30 fish per day, however, if you submit only uncommon, rare, and legendary fish, you can gain at least 150SC a day for 30 fish (uncommon fish are 5-6sc per, rare fish are 7-8sc per, and legendary fish are 10sc plus the legendary catch per). Codebreaker has a chance at giving you SC but can also give you other prizes you can sell for SC (make sure to check the price of things on the market (trading center) before selling them!). Explore has several encounters that can give you SC if you are below either 5000 or 6000sc (I don't know which exactly). Raccoon Wares also takes anywhere from ~200-300sc in items every day too. Good items to sell to the Raccoon would be 1-use food items, common recipes, or unwanted/unneeded herbs. I am sure there are other methods I am forgetting about, but in short, there are several ways to get SC outside of trading for it now!
Let me know if you have any other questions! I'd be happy to answer the best I can for you <3.