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♰Merry Vampmas♰ #25702

Life sucks '^'

Behind The Screen

Vamp (genderfluid)

Emo nerd fascinated with Vikings and nature. I love snow leopards, bats, music, Minecraft, and art.
I don't talk a lot, I'll pop in chat a bit but I'm generally pretty quiet and shy.

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*I am autistic. I struggle to understand and process things, I get easily overwhelmed, and have heavy anxiety. I may also say random or strange things and respond impulsively, so please bear with me as we communicate.

If I am active but not responding at all, I am either on mobile or very overwhelmed. I will respond to you when I am on my PC.
Unless you are the chaser, please do not contact me about wolves that I have found. If the wolf is not actively up in a trade, I will ignore you.
I don't accept random friend requests. If you'd like to be a friend with me, talk to me first.

pfp credits

Member Information
Name ♰Merry Vampmas♰
Pack The Winter's Haunted
Queen Leðrblaka
Joined 2020-11-01
Last Active 3 minutes ago
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