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Base Question from Newbie

Base Question from Newbie
Posted 6 days ago
Hello! I am really wanting to give my main wolf an interesting coat, and I am wondering how to go about it? I see there are raffles, but at least the trade market is hard to find anything.

Are there certain events coming up that will have piebald mutations or interesting bases?


Posted 6 days ago
You're in luck if you stick around another month or two! There's monthly events called lunar events that release special tier (and pretty!) new bases for your wolves. They happen on the third week of each month, so for this month it'll take place starting the 16th. The march lunar event, i believe, will have every base from every month EVER come back, so youll have that chance too!!

The event we're currently in, valentine's day, also has some special coats coming out as well. Check out under the february matchmaking event and look around for bases you like!

Even if by chance you dont like any of the upcoming bases, buying a base and trying to swap it on the market for another one is always an option.

No events will have piebald (only black fridays have piebald/patches in this game and thats for real money).


Posted 5 days ago
Thank you so much for the info! I will definitely check on the wiki to try to pre-plan what I want to get, if I can grind enough!

For the piebald and mutations, I see people have the mut on demand, how do people get those? I know that's pretty high level, and obviously not something I can get anytime soon but just curious.

Posted 5 days ago
Im the right person to ask!! I'm a f2p player who got my hand on a Mutie on Demand for my next lead. Ill explain the ways you can get it and how i personally got mine.

Sadly MODs aren't just high level, they're paid commodities. Every black friday (so only once per year) you can get 1 new mod 1 per $50 you spend. Other players resell MODs, which is how us f2p get our hands on them, but expectedly at high prices. You can buy in pure gc but that's really pricy, you would have to save for a long time. Sometimes people do raffles in the raffle hub for them, although you usually end up rolling low odds bc of high demand and the buy-ins are a bit pricy themselves usually.

The way I got a MOD was going crazy on getting event items and reselling like 400 gc worth, asking for said 400 gc, and i got super lucky because someone offered a mod to that trade. Basically take your time getting a feel of what people in the trading center find valuableĀ  and, when that event comes up, stock up on that item, then try to sell it in bulk. Having a lot of good items on hand can also enable you to made trade offers! Some people will take, say, only 100 or 200 gc for a mod (which you can save up in a reasonable amount of time) as long as you offer a bunch of good applicators and items with it.


Posted 4 days ago
I appreciate you explaining this for me! Congrats on getting your mutie, a win for free to play peeps haha! I hope to be like you one day

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