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Sonic fans of Wolvden

Sonic fans of Wolvden
Posted 2020-11-13 10:40:18 (edited)

Hello everyone! This is a forum for all the Sonic fans of Wolvden to unite and talk about our common interest! This can be a place for sharing art, stories, and just talking about the fandom and having questions answered!

To let everyone get to know you, it would be wonderful if you included the following information in your first post:

  1.  What you would like to be called on the forum (please keep it appropriate)
  2. Your favorite Sonic character, seriously, pick any character!
  3. This step is optional, but if you have any OC's, tell us one you're most proud of and a little bit about them!
  4. Favorite Sonic game you've played/seen others play
  5. Any other interesting info about you (nothing personal though)

Example: (this is mine)

Hello! You guys can either call me Njyao or Silver. If you can't tell, my favorite character is Silver the Hedgehog, but Blaze and Shadow are very close to that place and in that order. I have a lot of OC's, but my favorite two are Bruiser and Naledi, Knuckles's twin brother and little sister, respectively. Naledi also has a chao companion named Mmkganya, or Ganya for short, who accompanies her on her adventures. My favorite Sonic game I've seen someone play is Sonic Mania, I started playing the old games on emulators once I got into the fandom so it's a style I'm kind of attached to with all the pixels. And lastly, if you like gameplay and Sonic characters, SonicSong182 is a good YouTube channel to subscribe to, as well as the trio of Gotta Go Fast!, Tails and Sonic Pals, and Emerald Masters (also Charmy Bee has joined as of late, go sub to him).

Thanks in advance for joining and I can't wait to interact with people who share similar interests to me!

🐸FireyKitty (chatsmol)🔥

Posted 2020-11-13 10:44:54
  1.  What you would like to be called on the forum (please keep it appropriate) Iz, Izzy, or IzzyCat is fine :3
  2. Your favorite Sonic character, seriously, pick any character! Tails and Knuckles, hands down!
  3. This step is optional, but if you have any OC's, tell us one you're most proud of and a little bit about them! I do not, but maybe I will make one for this :3
  4. Favorite Sonic game you've played/seen others play I like the old Sega Genesis games. Brings back many a good memory (My Nana and I use to play together :) )
  5. Any other interesting info about you (nothing personal though) ummm, I can't think of anything pertinent to put here tbh.

Izzy Ca'tuil

Posted 2020-11-13 10:48:00

Welcome, Izzy! I hope more people join, and since I've found so many Sonic fans on here I figured I'd try this thing out since there wasn't another page.

🐸FireyKitty (chatsmol)🔥

Posted 2020-11-13 10:51:21

I'm sure it will take off :3

Also have you seen JonTron and EgoRaptor play Sonic '06? HILARIOUS.

Izzy Ca'tuil

Posted 2020-11-13 10:54:17

I haven't, but there's another group of YouTubers that game as Sonic characters (they're a bit more mature and there's like 10 separate channels so I'm not linking them all lol) and Silver and Blaze played through all of Sonic 06 and just finished recently and they were complaining about the story and the controls the entire time

🐸FireyKitty (chatsmol)🔥

Posted 2020-11-13 10:56:43

Oh it's a crap game, but watching JonTron and EgoRaptor fight with it was one of my favorite past times lol. It was made even funnier by the animated clip a fan made called "Legendary Grump Rage". they got stuck in a ceiling in a cave full of lava and hilarity ensued. Look it up, is so worth it!

Izzy Ca'tuil

Posted 2020-11-13 10:57:24

I will have to look that up!

🐸FireyKitty (chatsmol)🔥

Posted 2020-11-13 11:22:18 (edited)

I'm not gonna lie, I'm not super into Sonic, but I do enjoy the video games, and Silver/Njyao is my friend irl and she talks about Sonic stuff a lot, so I've got a few Sonic-related OCs and such c:
What you would like to be called on the forum (please keep it appropriate)
     call me Ducky or twoducks :))

Your favorite Sonic character, seriously, pick any character!
     uhhh lemme think... I've always liked Knuckles, but Mighty the Armadillo is probably my top favourite

This step is optional, but if you have any OC's, tell us one you're most proud of and a little bit about them!
     imma list 'em because I love all of them and I don't think I can choose a favourite ^^'
Birdie the Ring-tailed Lemur, Spike the Hedgehog, Melody the Conure, Neptune the Pangolin, Radio the Gerbil, Krasny the Red Panda, Aimee the (idk??), Edge the Cat, Cali the Cat, Sorrel the Sloth, Beeva the Beaver, Dapper the Glass Treefrog

Favorite Sonic game you've played/seen others play
   Team Sonic Racing, I think it's called? I don't usually watch other people's gameplays, I just play the games ^^

Any other interesting info about you (nothing personal though)
     um, idk xd

🦨 thefunnyrabbid

Posted 2020-11-13 11:24:39

Welcome friend! Hope you enjoy your time here!

🐸FireyKitty (chatsmol)🔥

Posted 2020-11-13 14:11:49 (edited)
  1.  What you would like to be called on the forum (please keep it appropriate)

You can call me Cait:)

  1. Your favorite Sonic character, seriously, pick any character!

My absolute favorite is shadow :)

  1. This step is optional, but if you have any OC's, tell us one you're most proud of and a little bit about them!

I don't really have any OC's :C

  1. Favorite Sonic game you've played/seen others play

Sonic Dash 

  1. Any other interesting info about you (nothing personal though)

Theres nothin too special about me haha


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