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Warrior Cats a New World: Alpineclan RP

Warrior Cats a New World: Alpineclan RP
Posted 2025-02-15 20:07:13 (edited)

Welcome to Alpineclan!

CSS Sheets
OOC Sheets

About the Clan

Cats in Alpineclan have learned to adapt to the cold with normally long, thick coats. Because the winter months can be treacherous to our Clan, our members have adapted to touch paw pads. Colors come in all varieties, however the most common appear to be dark tabby and tortoiseshells. The regular Alpineclan warrior carries a large body, with broad shoulders, and small ears, used for forcing their way through the thick undergrowth of their territory. Alpineclan warriors are deeply loyal and tight-knit, follow a strict code of loyalty and honor.


Due to the fact that the Clan has been pushed from their home and are currently on the move, there are no landmarks. They will be made up when they find their new territory.


Alpineclan had lived by the Lake for many generations, thriving and living in peace. Until the day a fire swept through their territory, killing many of their warriors and leaving their beloved land to scarred and charred to continue living on. Heart-broke, but with no choice, Alpineclan is forced to leave their home and search for a place to settle down. Moons later, Alpineclan is struggling to survive, losing many of their clanmates along the way, and all hoped seemed lost until they stumbled upon a forest. Deciding that they couldn't continue on any further, Alpineclan has begun setting up camp in the forest, only to run into some problems. There were four Clans already taking up the land. Follow along as Alpineclan struggles to make room for themselves and claim the spot as the fifth Clan, or be forced out and crumble completely.

Alpineclan Ranks

Leader: Hickorystar - Dark brown tabby tom with dark yellow eyes and a shredded ear

Deputy: Nightglare - black tom with dark blue eyes
(Rogue Wildfire)

Medicine Cat:
Apprentice: N/A


Oakear - light brown tom with soft blue eyes
(Shapeahifter the goldenwing)

Inky'orchid - long-furred, black shecat with white markings

Tigerstorm- large brown tabby tom with copper eyes



Lakewing - fluffy white shecat with bright blue eyes
(Pregnant: Hickorystar's kits)



No graphics, such as realistic birthing, mating, or murder
Forbidden relationships outside the Clan is not allowed. However, forbidden relationships INSIDE the Clan are allowed. Ask permission first
Evil cats aren't permitted until myself and the other leaders approve
Small omens are allowed, but prophecies will only be permitted by me
Follow Wolvden rules
Remain respectful towards everyone
Wait to RP until your OC has been accepted
No age gaps above 20 moons
No related partners. (foster, adopted, and step siblings are allowed)
Absolutely NO Mary Suing. Repeatedly doing this may get you kicked out

π’Ÿπ“Žπ“ƒπ’Άπ“‚π’Ύπ“‰π‘’ ¹⁴²⁹

Posted 2025-02-15 20:10:34

Pushing through the dense grass, I paused to glance over my shoulder, spotting the exhausted faces of my clanmates as they trailed behind. " Nightglare! Take Oakear and go find a place to rest for the night," I called, glancing at the young black tom. Turning away, I padded over to Lakewing, licking her cheek in greeting. " How are you doing?"

π’Ÿπ“Žπ“ƒπ’Άπ“‚π’Ύπ“‰π‘’ ¹⁴²⁹

Posted 2025-02-15 20:21:21
Oakear nods. "Right, hickorystar." He said his paws felt like lead and head like a lead weight. "Hickorysrar?" He asked concerned. "Is there a problem." His ear twitched tiredly.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2025-02-15 20:23:04 (edited)

"Why do you ask?" I questioned, tilting my head to peer at the light brown tom, I leaned against my mate.

π’Ÿπ“Žπ“ƒπ’Άπ“‚π’Ύπ“‰π‘’ ¹⁴²⁹

Posted 2025-02-15 20:25:17

"I'm worried about my clan mates." Oakear said. "We have to rest soon, or whe might fall asleep on our paws." He looked at the ground. "I can't lose anymore clan mate to anything."

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2025-02-15 20:40:58

Purrs and rubs against Hickorystar*


Posted 2025-02-15 20:42:55
oakear smiled tiredly. "lakewing, I'm happy for you, you have found the right mate." he said looking around.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2025-02-15 20:46:03 (edited)
"Oakear I think we will be just fine for now how about we take a break for a bit and rest?Β  Maybe near a stream so we can drink as well?"


Posted 2025-02-15 20:57:03

"I have Nightglare looking for a place to camp for the night," I meowed, acknowledging their words with a twitch of my ears. "Why, are you thristy?" I gquestioned, turning to my mate with a worried frown.

π’Ÿπ“Žπ“ƒπ’Άπ“‚π’Ύπ“‰π‘’ ¹⁴²⁹

Posted 2025-02-15 20:57:37
The large tom padded over to the talking cats and sat down as he listened to his clanmates speak. He nodded in agreement at Lakewing's words though stayed uncharacteristically silent.

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