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Warrior Cats a New World: Alpineclan RP

Posted 6 days ago
"Fine, who would take care of the clan if we lose you?" Oakear asked.

Ivykit crouched and circle to the left.

"Skygaze, go left, and stay at the same pace as Ivykit, Ivykit, watch Skygaze. I'll have the fox focus on me."

Ivykit nods.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 6 days ago
Skygaze H/H-Med

Sky nodded, dropping the herbs and creeping around.

The fox snarls, getting ready to pounce

Posted 6 days ago
Oakear crouched and hissed loudly before indicating to his sister and skygaze to pounce from each side.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 6 days ago
Skygaze H/H-Med

Sky paused before leaping out as the fox pounced on Oakear. He landed on the fox's shoulders, screeching and clawing. The fox snapped at the light gray cat, but was still aimed to land on Oakear. Sky yowled, tearing clumps of fur out of the foxes back

Posted 6 days ago
Oakear dodge out of the way just before he was killed, he however did not come out without a scratch.

Ivykit pounced at the same time digging her sharp and long claws into the shoulder.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 6 days ago

The fox landed on the ground, focusing it's attention to the prey on it's back. It snapped at the cats, turning around over and over again, kicking and squirming

Skygaze H/H-Med

Sky yowled as he was thrown off of the fox, smashing into a tree. He fell to the ground, the air taken out of him, before struggling up with a hiss. A scratch stung on his leg, but he threw himself back at the fox

Posted 6 days ago
Oakear jumped into the fray and scratched the fox's muzzle. He hissed and did all he could.

Ivykit pounced again landing on the fox's back and held on.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 6 days ago
Skygaze H/H-Med

Sky bit the foxes back leg. The fox glared at him, and it's claws raked his pelt. Suddenly the fox flopped onto the ground. It's going to roll over! Sky searched for a voice, but he couldn't warn the cats, due to his grip on the fox

Posted 6 days ago
Oakear jumped back. "Roling." He cried his voice scared for his friend.

Ivykit jumped back, the forward to grab skygaze and pulled him off. She painted hard. "Thank Oakear that he has some instinct."

petal the forsetwing

Posted 6 days ago

The fox rolled over, springing on it's paws. Scratches bled, but it didn't give up on the prey. It towered over the cats

Skygaze H/H-Med

Sky was pulled back, leaving a wound on the foxes paw. He snarled, crouching. His back paw throbbed, but he didn't pay it any attention. He sprang at the fox once again, but the wounded paw made his leap fall short, in front of the fox. It's eyes were full of menace, but also hunger. It swiped Sky away, turning on him. Sky skidded across the clearing, a new wound bleeding from his torso and ear.

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