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Warrior Cats a New World: Alpineclan RP

Posted 2 days ago
oakear smiled and looked at his sister. "ivykit how did you know what to do?" he asked.

she sighs. "I was in a group of loners, they tought me how to fight, though it was different then yours." she closed her eyes. "you two did better then I would ever do."

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2 days ago
Skygaze H/H-Med

Sky's ear swiveled to catch what they were saying from where he sat. "Don't fear, Alphineclan will teach you all you can know." He licked his paw, drawing it over his ear. His paw caught on a semi-fresh nick, and he winced, frowning.

Posted 2 days ago
"skygaze are you alright?" oakear asked.

"I didn't doubt that." ivykit said. "I knew that we as clan cats do things differently."

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2 days ago
Skygaze H/H-Med

"I'm fine. The fox fought well. Must have been hungry, to try a group of cats. Either that or it was young." Sky pawed at some berries, sending them rolling across the den. He scolded himself, picking them up delicately and placing them into a hole.

Posted 2 days ago
"it was young." oakear said. "Ive seen bigger." he closed his eyes. "I want ivykit to see the rest of the clan."

ivykit smiled. "oakear how did you guess I wanted too?"

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2 days ago (edited)
He padded over to the medicine den with a vole and two mice. As he entered he dropped the prey at the entrance and looked up. "I got you three some prey." He mewed and his gaze caught on Ivykit. "Nice to meet you Ivykit, I am Tigerstorm," he introdueced himself with a dip of his head before turning to the others. "How are you guys healing up? Fighting that fox must have been tough."

Posted 2 days ago
ivykit gasped softly at the sight of the deputy. her eyes sparkled notably more. "tigerstorm, great name for cat." she said sighting with pride.

"were are fine, the fox was hungry and young." oakear winced at a cut that stung.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2 days ago
Skygaze H/H-Med

"They should be good to go in a couple of sunrises." Sky said, not turning. "Thanks for the prey,"

Posted 2 days ago (edited)
His head tilted slightly at her reaction though his eyes shone in amusement. "Thank you." He nodded at her then nodded at Skygaze before he turned to Oakear. "If Skygaze allows it, would you guys like to eat with me?" He asked and motioned toward the prey at his paws.

Posted 2 days ago

Dropping back down onto all fours, I leaned back to inspect my work, patching a hole in the camp barrier. Nodding in satisfaction, I raised a paw, absently licking the mud off while watching ivykit, oakear, and skygaze from the corner of my eye. Dropping my paw with a sigh, I stood and padded over. "Ivykit," I meowed, dipping my head in greeting. "I was surprised to hear Oakears sister was alive, but I glad to see you. I'd like to welcome you back into Alpineclan, as a warrior."

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