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Warrior Cats a New World: Alpineclan RP

Posted 5 days ago
Skygaze H/H-Med

Skygaze padded out of the makeshift medicine den, stopping in the clearing and glancing around. He was starving, but didn't take anything from the low prey-pile. Others needed it more, if they were to survive.

Posted 5 days ago
Oakear noticed skygaze. "Skygaze, do you have the traveling herbs?" He asked. "I can use some, I think we should save the prey for lakewing." He walked up. "She needs the strength."

petal the forsetwing

Posted 5 days ago
Skygaze H/H-Med

Sky hesitated. "I do have some, but we're very low, so I can't give a lot. We're low on every herb actually- I have no idea where to find them"

Posted 5 days ago
Oakear nods. "I want to see the other clans to see if they could share the herbs." He sighs. "We can't lose any more." He lowered his head. "I'm sorry about being sad, I just can't stop thinking about our home."

petal the forsetwing

Posted 5 days ago
Skygaze H/H-Deputy

Skygaze lowered his head before glancing up. "It was a horrible tragedy indeed, one even I'm not sure we can recover." Sky breathed. "I only hope Starclan can guide us through this"

Posted 5 days ago
Oakear nods. "Yes it was, thank starclan, we're still alive." He looked up at the sky. "I want to see if I could find some herbs,"

petal the forsetwing

Posted 5 days ago
Skygaze H/H-Med

Sky nodded, "I would usually point a herb to collect, but since we're low on everything, I don't really care what you look for."

Posted 5 days ago
Oakear nods. "I also have to talk to you because you're the medicine car." He said, he glanced around to see it anyone was listening. He leaned forward and whispered. "Ever since we made camp,I have been given dream, from starclan, do you remember ivykit?"

petal the forsetwing

Posted 5 days ago
Skygaze H/H-Med

Sky blinked, pricking his ears, "yes, I remember her"

Posted 5 days ago
"They said she's alive." He whispered softly.

petal the forsetwing

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