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Warrior Cats a New World: Alpineclan RP

Posted 3 days ago
Oakear gasped and pouched landing on the fox's back. He leaned forward and gripped the fox's scruff in his mouth and pulled trying to stop the fox.

Ivykit pounced on the fox's legs and tried to drop the fox.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 3 days ago

The fox growled, reaching back and tossing Oakear away (if perms)

Skygaze H/H-Med

Sky crouched, staring up at the fox with clear hostility. He darted away from the fox, moving through the clearing, slower than usual. The fox tried to chase him, only to discover yet another cat latched on it's paws. It stomped on the ground, trying to shake Ivykit off. It turned, snapping at Ivykit.

Posted 3 days ago
Oakear flew through the air, landing heavy blacking out.

Ivykit dodge the fox's attempts to get her, and the fox's head inches from her. She slides out her claws and raked it across the tip of it's nose.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 3 days ago
Skygaze H/H-Med

Sky's eyes widened. Now it was only him and an untrained cat. Great. He circled the fox, slightly limping.


The fox screeched, drawing it's head back. It lashed out at the small cat, nipping as well. It's eyes wandered to the other cat, the one circling it, sensing blood. It would have to deal with the one scratching it right now though. It bared it's sharp teeth.

Posted 3 days ago
Ivykit hissed and lunged. Her small body going between the fox's paws. She spun and clamped down on the fox's tail.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 3 days ago

The fox yowled in pain, biting at the cat again. It's maw grazed the cats ear, not leaving a big enough wound.

Skygaze H/H-Med

Sky narrowed his eyes before running toward the fox. It snapped at him too, but he ran around its gaping jaws. Sky lunged at the fox, scratching its eyes. It lashed out blindly, striking the he-Kitty above his eyes. Blood dripped over his eye as Sky retreated a farther distance, and he blinked to get it out. The fox snapped at Ivykit again.

Posted 3 days ago
Ivykit yelped and crouched waiting for the fox to expose its ears.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 3 days ago

The fox turned around so it was facing the cat. It licked its lips, flattening its ears and lashing its tail. It raised a paw for the finishing blow.

Skygaze H/H-Med

Sky screeched, running into Ivykit and pushing her away. The foxes claws hit his tail and he yowled. Facing the fox from a distance, he snarled. Blood dripped from both of the cat's wounds, and Sky knew it could get infected. We have to finish this, soon.

Posted 3 days ago
Ivykit screeched. She rolled into a tree blacking out.

Oakear finally groaned and stood shaking his head. He saw the fox and crouched wincing. He pounced and landed heavily into the side of the fox.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 3 days ago

The fox's breath ran out for a second as the cat hit it. It fell on its side, paralyzed for a heartbeat.

Skygaze H/H-Med

Sky lept on the fox, clawing it. The fox shook itself, regaining its footing and successfully throwing every cat off of it. Sky landed on the ground, a couple of tail-lengths away. He crouched, staring up at the fox with a hiss, expecting the end for all of them. But the fox had had enough, and it growled at them one last time, aiming a swipe to each of the conscious cats before slinking off, limping. Sky's energy drained as soon as it left the clearing, and he swayed on his paws, panting.

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