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Chased Wolf Spotting!!!

Posted 2021-08-11 08:49:55
I think there's very few Piasa, Bronze and Seal breeders, which is why probably not many people R&C them.


Posted 2021-08-11 08:51:10
Oh and I wouldn't leave befriending cause it looks like a boring wolf, there's some deceivers out there. I'll be chasing this guy soon, and his looks and marking count don't add up lol.

Also I brought it up because I hate seeing people get that frustrated/upset over this. I'm not saying it's wrong or they should stop it, I just don't like seeing people getting unhappy from RNG not going their way. If that makes sense anyway. I'm sorry if I started an argument, I just felt bad to see it for the hundredth time.

(If anyone finds a Magnolia chased, no matter the markings, please yeet them at me.)


Posted 2021-08-11 08:51:49
I'm trying but my Bronze/Seal pair refuses to give me T3s to chase. It's like there's a curse placed on them or something, it's so weird.


Posted 2021-08-11 08:53:22 (edited)
@Roxanne  Yeah, I've been Piasa shopping and there's only a handful on the TC regardless of gens. I bought one with some stud linage that isn't found in most Piasa lines in the hopes of getting a few more out there (yeah with the no-linage craze they probably won't sell but whatev).

Contemplating buying a cheap IB to breed R&C pups but I'm already swamped with unwanted Foxes and Mojaves.
Alex (Coyote)

Posted 2021-08-11 08:58:13
I have a couple Piasa to R&C. If anyone wants one to breed, they can have it. Does definitely seem like they're overlooked in terms of chasing.


Posted 2021-08-11 08:59:28
I'll take the extra Piasa if that's OK! I've been looking into breeding them for R&C so that would be perfect

❈ Lavender | T3 Breeder ❈

Posted 2021-08-11 08:59:52
I feel like everyone just forgets Piasas exist, which is kind of weird to me. Teardrops as well. I'd expect being overlooked for bases like serpentine and argent, which are basically T1 bases with recolored shading, but piasa is fancy and intricate. You'd think it would be a lot more popular.


Posted 2021-08-11 09:00:14
Sure, I'll PM you!


Posted 2021-08-11 09:00:16
Sorry if I seemed annoyed at all. I'm just tired of seeing people complaining about encountering rechaseds when it's literally so unavoidable. There's nothing you can really do about it. And that's why I said you're lucky enough to encounter a chased at all


Posted 2021-08-11 09:02:41
@ Cormia
I didn't find her myself, but I have a chased bronze. c:


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