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Chased Wolf Spotting!!!

Posted 2021-11-03 06:53:11
Found this T2 with merle. Thanks to the chaser! He'll be on the TC after the cooldown


Posted 2021-11-03 07:27:37
@MoonlitWolf I'll think of him as one of yours then unless someone else comes forward. The fact that he was chased when he was older causes a lot of issues with records because raise and chases are much more likely to be recorded than older wolves, so I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't recorded anywhere.


Posted 2021-11-03 08:21:46
I found this pretty liver girl with White Lupos and two smudge markings! Stats are bad but I will still keep her.


Posted 2021-11-03 08:24:04
Yeah, ive had the same problem.


Posted 2021-11-03 08:53:08
That's Lupa!!! I used her for a breeding project and then chased her!
Happy to know she was found!


Posted 2021-11-03 09:08:07
Found my first Chased with my new lead! He's a stunning Maltese boy with a Luna mark. I don't do much with cool bases so I've put him up for sale! Thank you chaser.


Posted 2021-11-03 09:58:54
Found a nice Sarder Female with a few Auburn marks and reasonable stats! Not keeping so she's on tc at the auto-friend price


Posted 2021-11-03 10:00:31
Nabbed a triple Merle NBW off the TC for relatively cheap (1750SC) and this one is actually a Donna wolf, chased by Carrie a couple of days ago!


I'm planning to change her eyes to Blue and see if I can get some g2 multimerle hets out of her. Super excited for her litters!


Posted 2021-11-03 10:05:05
Nice snag @ Salem I am happy to see some of them are making it through!
(I like the way you did her picture on the forum page here)


Posted 2021-11-03 10:55:13
Found this Gold gal, gonna assume she's a rechased but she's pretty cute. If anyone wants her message me, otherwise I'll rechase. p:
Alex (Coyote)

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