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Chased Wolf Spotting!!!

Posted 2022-08-07 21:12:06
@Snowcat ah okay I see what you're saying. I guess I didn't personally take it that way (not saying others didn't/did) so I was a lil confused, thank you for clarifying a bit for me! I completely agree though, that the second phrasing may pressure newer players into "returning" the wolf.


Posted 2022-08-07 21:13:07
I think when it comes to forum editing you just have to use your best judgement. Either the post wont be edited, or you can ask why it's edited. (I like to edit my posts once they're found)


Posted 2022-08-07 21:13:34 (edited)
I think that is perfect. @Ghost

Edit to add I think most on this thread do a great job of posting when they chase with both pictures and markings, and the time stamp is detailed when they make the post.
Snowcat13 🌞

Posted 2022-08-07 21:14:36
I feel like it should be up to the finder to decide what adequate proof is themselves otherwise it's becoming way too policed imo

Breezy [Hiatus]

Posted 2022-08-07 21:14:53
@ Snowcat13 that's a very good point and I'd considered bringing that up, I do think forum posts that are not edited are more secure, and edited posts are really iffy and could be a sign of the record being potentially faked.

Maybe in a FAQ or rules section, there could be guidelines for proof, as there are a lot of ways to fake proof (including screenshots, since they can be easily faked and edited to make it seem like someone owned and chased a wolf they never had)

I personally feel one of the most secure forms of proof would be an unedited forum post showing the wolf and their details (can be a screenshot of their features + markings or a link to a wardrobe page) and the post having been made some time before the chased wolf was found

But @Ghost that could be a good way to go about it, though I'd still worry about new people being potentially fooled, but this is a kind of complicated issue as there isn't a super widely decided upon way to record chased wolves or ways to save proof of previous ownership


Posted 2022-08-07 21:19:03
Update since I saw some good points, this just seems like a super complicated thing and it would probably be best to just leave it up to finders to decide for themselves to trust someone's proof or not


Posted 2022-08-07 21:21:44
What if people edit their forums to mark their wolves as found?


Posted 2022-08-07 21:24:25 (edited)
Very good points all around!! What if, instead of making a rule about proof, we do guidelines? Like our guidelines on how to price things? Avoid policing anyone, but letting new users be aware of scams. something like:

Valid proof of chase should, at the least, include:
      1. A screenshot of the wolf with your username next to "owned by" and a screenshot of the wolf's markings
It may also come in the form of:
    1. Forum posts in a record forum dated before the wolf was found.
    2. A wayback machine link to the original wolf's page, before it was chased
Keep in mind that edited forum posts may be untrustworthy, as the time stamp could be incorrect
Ultimately, it is up to the wolf's finder to decide whether or not they believe your proof and would like to act on it


Posted 2022-08-07 21:25:56
@Ghost Yes that seems like a very good idea !! :D


Posted 2022-08-07 21:27:38 (edited)
Tbh I haven't seen anyone actually try to cheat this way. Overall I'm willing to give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to "chase proof". It feels like we're building a bunch of rules on a might happen

Most people giving the wolves to chasers for free already know how to check proof. We don't need to over-elaborate on it. Considering only a small percent even give wolves back to chasers


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