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Chased Wolf Spotting!!!

Posted 2022-08-07 21:36:22 (edited)
I'm the same as Slothie, but I'm also the type that doesn't sell all the time.

But I feel like the guidelines are good. It helps give people a starting point, they honestly might not even think about checking the proof or know how and being sent a link of the picture is enough. It just gives more power to the player, especially newbies, but it's still ultimately up to each individual.

Edit: also they're looking great!!

❀・愛》 JuneJuniper《花・❀

Posted 2022-08-07 21:39:43
Link to the new topic if you haven't seen it yet.
Writing the rules now :)


Posted 2022-08-07 21:48:26 (edited)
Ehhh. I'm not a big Raise and Chaser (yet) but I built my record to be very simple and neat: click

I don't like records with posts upon posts upon posts for every wolf chased, I prefer to work with something clean, contained in one or two posts. The individual posts in a sprawling thread makes my anal retentive brain itch a little bit. I provide wolf details like so: click

I don't really like that this wouldn't be considered enough proof that a chased wolf was mine just because I've chosen to arrange my record in a single post (where I record the chased dates, and also bump with each new chase, and people can see by hovering over the edited tag whether the time was before or after a wolf is posted here) when the likelihood of getting a duplicate wolf with all the exact same markings, base, skin, claws, etc. is so incredibly low.

I'll follow the rule if that's how it's decided to be, obviously, but... Does it really need to be that over the top that an edited forum post might be considered disqualified, or that a screenshot that doesn't include your username isn't good enough, or really any of those extremely specific details?


Posted 2022-08-07 21:55:43
@ Roanbird - yeah, that's why we changed it to general guidelines instead of rules. I think anything else is getting too detailed, & everyone should decide for themselves what's proof enough.
I have seen mention of people trying to scam others (very very rarely), so I personally think it would be helpful to new users, or people new to R&C who may not know that people want proof


Posted 2022-08-08 02:07:47
new chased found, happy to return to original chaser

Slot 1 None
Slot 2 White Butcher (91% : T1)
Slot 3 Red Spectacles (49% : T1)
Slot 4 None
Slot 5 Gray Inuit Unders (40% : T7)
Slot 6 None
Slot 7 None
Slot 8 None
Slot 9 None
Slot 10 White Inuit Unders (37% : T7)


Posted 2022-08-08 02:09:24
We have a new forum
Here is the link


Posted 2022-08-08 02:12:14 (edited)
a couple comments about Ghost's rules a couple pages back (which are great!)
3. The finder can specify if they would like to be contacted about their wolf, but unless they say you can, please refrain
-> I feel like asking for it back (unless finder already said "free to the chaser with proof") could easily be seen as rude, but saying "hey I'm the one who chased it!" is fine. The finder can then decide whether they want to offer it back or just thank the chaser for the wolf  (and if the finder does want to offer it back then chaser sends proof).
3. Asking for price checks in your first post is okay, but keep replies to the DMs
-> I think having one public repository of past chased prices might be useful in stabilizing fair value? Maybe finder could just announce they're asking for price checks in a separate "price checking" thread, so people can check it out if they want, but it doesn't clutter this thread. Direct people to the General Pricing Advice below (so if they're in separate posts so they can be linked that'd be great).
4. Remember that once you chase a wolf, you no longer own it, and cannot control what happens to it
-> YES! So much yes.
5. Don't outright insult the wolves you find - it's rude to the chaser
-> maybe even word the rule something like: the only comments allowed about a wolf's appearance are positive ones (or neutral/factual ones, like "probably a chased", but even that could be kind of a slippery slope)
6. You are welcome to post rechased wolves
-> Yes! But don't whine about it, please? Maybe add a separate rule about the no whining? (about not finding chased, or not good ones (by which people usually mean T3s, ha), or too many rechased)
Maybe say outright at the beginning of the thread that T3s exist but are super rare - you can expect your first lead never to find one - and you should never take finding one for granted or complain when you don't, and rechased are a fact of life - of everyone's life - and important gameplay-wise and complaining you find too many is annoying? In a more polite way ^^
-> also explicitly state that if you failed befriending but took a screenshot you're welcome to post it here? As a chaser, I'd love having that information about a wolf I'd have loved.

-> specifically remind people how to link to wolves profiles, how to add images (with the fact that linking directly to a wolf's profile picture gets it rerolled if the wolf is chased), and how to put a link on a pic (and maybe encourage people to do indeed link their finds' profiles? I find that super convenient, and a lot of people don't do it).

-> give a specific link to one pricing thread, one discord server, maybe? (and also general advice; but adding a link would minimize the time newbies spend floundering about)

-> all good suggestions (maybe talk about wardrobes links (in posts whose last edit was before find) too? That's what I use when I chase); but maybe put all the suggestions side by side instead of prioritizing screenshots containing the username? Screenshots are easy to fake, be it markings screenshots or ones including username; post dates on wolvden forums are not (when it's been edited you can even check the last edit's date if you hover over "(edited)" on computer).
Faking a forum post date on the other hand would involve correctly guessing beforehand which wolf you'd find, which seems unlikely.
(do remind people of how to wardrobe link though, it's easy to get wrong)
I do like the explicit reminder that those are just guidelines and that the finder is the one who decides whether they trust you.

Fal - semi hiatus

Posted 2022-08-08 02:12:14
Would you be alright with me making a post in big bright text here that links to your thread? Just so people can see more easily that we're moving threads. :>

hydde 🥀 on hiatus

Posted 2022-08-08 02:59:45
No, that's fine! Anything that helps with the rules and moving forums is welcome!


Posted 2022-08-08 03:28:27
Found This male running around in the Prairie



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