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Kode's Creative Content

Kode's Creative Content
Posted 2020-11-19 07:39:12

About this Thread

Recently, I looked at my SC and GC monitor and realized I was really close to going broke (and then went broke promptly thereafter), and so I decided to use my writing 'skills' for good use! This is inspired by Tiger's Treetop Tales and MagicWhiteWolf's Bio Writing Place! Please check those out (as they are undoubtedly better than mine, because I have no idea whatsoever what I'm doing)!

a toaster

Posted 2020-11-19 07:39:55

Pricing Range

Short Story (300 - 400 Words) - 70 SC, 1 GC (30 SC refund)

Medium Length Story (401 - 700 Words) 105 SC, 1 GC

Long Story (701 - 1000 Words) 150 SC, 2 GC (50 SC refund)

a toaster

Posted 2020-11-19 07:42:39

Writing Examples

“You’ll never catch up with me!” Lichen teased, looking backwards at her mother. Foxrose laughed, her beautiful eyes bright. “Not if you keep running like that! You’re faster than the wind!”

Lichen let out a small yip of laughter, her paws scuttling over the sloping earth as she darted away from her mother. 

“Lichen, look out!” Foxrose screamed, and there was no humor in her voice. Lichen halted, but it was too late.

The earth vanished from underneath her paws, and she felt herself falling through empty air. “Lichen!” Foxrose howled from the top of the ravine.

Lichen hit the churning river with a splash, letting out a small yelp of shock as the freezing water sunk through her pelt. 

She tumbled through the water, struggling to stay afloat. “Mother!” She wheezed, but it was too weak for her mother to hear her.

She hit a rock that had been submerged and sprawled through the murky liquid. Water shot up her nose and mouth, and her vision faded to black.


Lichen’s eyes shot open. She didn’t mind the chill in her bones that came with winter as she shot to her paws. Today, she would become an adult, and her path would be determined.

Please let me be a healer, she prayed. Oh, stars above, please let me be a healer. She imagined the wreath of flowers around her neck, the sweet scent of herbs permeating her pelt.  

She would learn under Bird, the best healer in the land. Her eyes grew wide as she sunk into a daydream, her pelt bristling with apprehension.

The faint breeze rippled through her fur, and she breathed in deeply, relishing the taste of frost and berries on her tongue.

“Good job, Lichen.” Bird said with a nod. “Which herb do we use to treat infections?” He gestured to the array of herbs.

Lichen lowered her muzzle to sniff at them. After a moment of deliberation, she delicately picked up a bundle in her jaws. “Horsetail and marigold in a poultice,” She replied around the plants in her mouth.

“Correct!” Bird blinked warmly at her. “You’re doing great so far, Lichen. I’m impressed.” Lichen beamed, her eartips warm with gratitude.

Lichen snapped out of the dream, though it wasn’t without a small bit of hesitation. What if…. What if I don’t get chosen? 

Excerpt from Winter, a medium length story.

a toaster

Posted 2020-11-19 07:46:36
Sign-up FormatUsername or #ID tag - Featured character link - Story length - Story type (i.e. action, romance, coming of age, sad, etc.)
a toaster

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