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Posted 2020-11-28 05:43:35

Name, ID: Caspian
I need: SC (for more territory ) amusement items, tobacco, a good herbalist if its possible
Why: need more territory for wolves and tobacco because I have fleas. a herbalist because I'm currently using a temp who's normally a hunter
I want: gc,marking applicators,the phbbt face from the road 

Other: thank y'all for doing this its pretty awesome! I would love to find some way to help maybe I can offer a few studs?


Posted 2020-11-28 05:49:39



ive a ton of amusement items, tobacco, and ready made flea remedies!! dm me !!


Posted 2020-11-29 09:10:17

Name, ID: Yami
I need: Literally any adult wolf 
Why: I'm really new (just joined yesterday night and started playing again as soon as I could this morning) and I'm having trouble finding a wolf to join my pack in explore mode but I need one to be a scout and the wolves I already have are already assigned hunter and pet sitter respectively. I already used my energy thing once so my lead wolf is all burnt out and I can't explore anymore. 
I want: I haven't run into any problems other than not having enough members but I guess if I had to pick having more supplies to make another cave would be cool so I can organize my pack based on their gender. Currency always helps too but it is by no means a requirement 

Other: If there are other ways to fill energy other then just buying that item (I'm totally blanking on the name of it right now I'm so sorry) please let me know! 


Posted 2020-11-29 09:56:31

Hey @Yami I can send you a really nice pup who will age up to adult in a few days, or an 80% proficiency chaser

Starling 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2020-11-30 17:27:42

Name, ID: [yours. that is]  Heaven Sent/

I need: [things you need] silver cones are most needed any amount would be helpful
Why: to be able to buy more space for my pack
I want: [not needed but would like to have] not fussy anything will be fine


Posted 2020-12-01 09:30:40 (edited)

Name, ID: Mal, #30462

I need: SC for territory space in order to have more wolves for scouting and hunting. Tons of herbs so my herbalist can stock up for illnesses would be awesome too if sc isn't doable for anyone right now!

Why: My hunting party is no longer getting along and failing all the hunts and I have no available spaces for more wolves due to an adolescent aging on the 6th that will take the last available slot I have.

I want: An IBF for a future breeding.

Other: Y'all are absolutely awesome for doin something like this! I hope to pay it forward when I'm able to. Thank you for this opportunity in helping us newbies out! Happy Holidays!!


Posted 2020-12-01 11:08:40

Name, ID: magicwhitewolf # 25645 

I need: Sc  , GC 

Why:  i need Sc so i can expand my territory so i don't run the risk losing pack members i want to keep. GC so i can get the extra pup stages. 

I want:  Winter theme background  and decor. 

Other:    this is a great thing you for doing for the holidays


Posted 2020-12-01 11:10:57 (edited)


@Mal ive got a bunch of extra herbs!! dm me :>!!


Posted 2020-12-01 13:22:09 (edited)

Name, ID: MercyGlade, 30080
I need: SC and Food
Why: SC for territory slots because I might loose some adols, and food because its winter and I am going to loose pups to starvation.... '^'
I want: Elk Bundle, or GC for the Feed all Play all Grove item

(Thanks for the opportunity! This is so amazing!) ^-^


Posted 2020-12-01 14:22:10



I've got some food to spare, I'll send you a message :)


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