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Confirm Retreat

Posted 2022-03-11 04:24:28
I personally support a confirmation window, because when you fight a lot and very fast with latch and crush methods, the problem I often get is that the position of retreat changes on the action bar when you lose hold on the opponent and the normal options come back, and this is how I almost always end up accidentally retreating, because the button has moved somewhere it wasn't until then.

Alternatively, this could be solved by putting a retreat button in the corner of the battle image instead of the action bar, so it's nearly impossible to accidentally click because it changes position on the bar. That way a confirmation dialogue wouldn't be necessary.


Posted 2022-06-11 13:50:24
We got it guys! Heck yea!

Lily (GH!)

Posted 2022-06-13 01:38:05
Thanks devs!

Fal - semi hiatus